Wednesday, April 18, 2012

YAAAAAAAAAAAWN..... ZZZZzzzZzzzzZzzzzzz.....

Regarding this article:

I know You've heard the story about the Fire Captain who blamed Trayvon's murder on 'expletive' Real BAD Black Parents. Well, Ya know, frankly? I couldn't care LESS what that YT has to say, as his capacity to reason is non-existent. Not only are more white people using illegal drugs, but add to that their prescription pharmaceuticals? And We are talking about more than half the white population DOPED OUT OF THEIR MINDS. Plus? I don't notice a habit of Black People going into schools and killing 5 or 10 people for the FUN of it. Theirs' is a Basic Stupidity that's so easy to prove, especially with YOU, Aware Motherland and Diasporic Afrikans, as?

You KNOW THIS ISH like counting 1 to 2. Geez, but You're FANTASTIC!!!

Well here's my final reflection on this irrelevant human-KIND of being. They preeeeeetend We are beneath them when, truly? THEY DON'T LIKE US EVEN WHEN WE ARE VISIBLY ALTOGETHER and most definitely HATE US, VIOLENTLY when We are more SUCCESSFUL than them!!!!

Just recently I was at a Trader Joe's at the checkout with a white cashier at the register. I was Friendly as is my nature, cause random, thoughtless anger is Self-Stressfully Dumb; so I was Genuinely Joyous to this white cashier, though NEVER tooooooooo Joyous, as she was not one of Us. I don't feeeeeeeeeel it for them, like that, Ya k-n-o-w? However, I'm always warm and courteous.

Well at first? This woman started out just as friendly. But a change came over her as my overall warmth and calm remained. Not large, but mildly perceptible. All to be CONFIRMED when my BOISTEROUSLY HAPPY SON came up with an peppy, "HI!" Can You imagine the kind of bitter heart it takes to not like a Happy Child? wow.

But her real Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde change came over her when my HUSBAND, tall, HANDSOME, COMPOSED, DIGNIFIED walked up also, with he and I conversing like We actually LOVE and LIKE EACH OTHER.

Man, I tell You! That woman had SMOKE comin' out of her rotating in their socket eyes. Or?

She had loving Visions of Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 31st, 1921, when Our Jealous Enemy, as ALWAYS proved that his biggest TERROR is that We Original People PROVE his ConnedFUZED Slutciety is beneath Our Natural MIGHT. He hates Us, with hoodies, with sheepskins, within the Oval Office (and I don't even like Obama) - he hates Us NO MATTER WHAT THE HECK WE DO.

And if I needed his approval? I wouldn't have left that cashier feeling even BETTER than I had before my Heaven became her HELL, easily wiping the white supremacy smile off her outraged face...


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