Thursday, April 26, 2012


Many health advocates, though not all, have been relatively fit their whole lives. But?


Oh, Lordy, goodness NO! I'm like YOU, having spent my life assuming I was doomed to be crippled by the mere sight of a box of Pepperidge Farms ANYTHING. Even the THOUGHT was enough to get my feet walking to the supermarket, to get me MOVING in a way that wasn't healing, when it was going to be my destiny to see that those same feet FINALLY move in a way that CURED ME from the threat of DEBILITATIVE EARLY AND PAINFUL DEATH.

So, to write this post, I was going to find a photo of a Powerful Black Womb-man when it occurred to me, after 50yrs of being used to thinking of myself as a PERMANENT VICTIM of my appetite - it occurred to me that that was


OMG!!! HOW THE HECK DID THIS HAPPEN? I've become what I used to hopelessly believe was the Miraculous, Mysterious Blessing granted other Women, but never for me.

Well, I'm not here to sell You a darn thing, or invite You to join my spa. I ain't got one, and what did this for my body is a gift from Allah, not some pill or 'special' concoction for half Your life's savings. Nope. It was, and IS, The ALMIGHTY'S readily available HEALING L-I-V-I-N-G FOOD (and that means, unless You're ready to munch down on a breathing chicken, No FLESH, including eggs, milk and cheese). With that food I began my journey from size 22 to a now 3 yr STEADY with EASE - size 6. 

Here's the trick. Exercise alone won't do it. Diet alone won't do it. Fasting and then not exercising and continuing to eat garbage WON'T DO IT. But all THREE together? Along with plenty of water, teaching Yourself how to cook ALL OVER again with yummy seasonings so You don't get bored, then adding ESSENTIAL SUPPLEMENTATION and EDUCATING YOURSELF with the knowledge to accomplish what I did, (cause I did this to be HEALTHY, not to be thin)...

that will do it. I GUARANTEE. No need to buy my product or anyone else's.

Now. You can't be a Junkfood Vegan and hope to get this done. I have seen some DANG ROTUND vegans out there, and they're bodies are in DANGER also, as FAT is inflammation which starves the cells of vital oxygen. Doesn't matter if it's fat from eating french fries. Put a garbage bag over Your head, hold it closed to get an EXACT idea of how Your cells feel about any kind of overeating or nutrition deprived food.

Okay. There's the secret. Being slender isn't a mystery, nor an exclusive club. It's not even will power as the good food decreases Your body's call for nutrition no matter from what LOUSY source You feed it, (that's why You get cravings). 

It's the faith in a new You that You've YET to meet. He/She is just up ahead. You don't need me or anybody to get close to the You You've always wanted to know.

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