Sunday, April 29, 2012


I might have to do a video on this topic cause it's a doozie, and Folks don't read. But lemme give it a try as I'm a Goddess.

Well. One in training, so let me do my best.


Yup. They're a whole culture which has not only brought nothing but death, oppression and disease to the the entire Black and Brown Planet, but?

They've always been like that amongst themselves. They simply make sure they don't teach that truth in their carefully controlled schools. But, all they've done in these modern times, thanks to some of their limited thinking monsters like Andrew Jackson, Cecil Rhodes and King Leopold, is momentarily gain the support of their white peon masses by thrusting the brunt of the bill of their 'success' on the backs of the majority population of the world. And yet?

That hasn't been ENOUGH for the Cream of the Crap at the top of the white supremacy heap. THEY DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP AS FOR tHEM, HUE-MANS AND hUMANS ARE NOTHING BUT GOYEM. They've been very, very patient with the fake blip of United States-ian DEMON-A-CRAZY, which was only a giant LIE, set up to gain strategic resources that belonged to the Native Peoples whose land it is, using Us Afrikan Peoples, who were stolen from Our land. The U.S. has been a Corporation with its people as serfs since 1871, and before that? It has always been a republic set up for the benefit and under the direction of only the landed white gentry. Washington HATED the common man.

And as soon as the Upper Crusty Craps manage, through Bill Gates Vaccines Genocide Campaign in Africa, HAARP all over the place (Allah HELP the Japanese to WAKE THE HECK UP), the use of Depleted Uranium in the Middle East and other regions radiating those Bamboozled 'Believe the European Cause He's So Wealthy' Arabs - deforming them for 100,000 more years -- when this Georgia Guidestones chronicled MASS HOLOCAUST is done?

The European and his pale derivatives won't know what hit them. Cause they assume, as they have been brainwashed into believing themselves so BRILLIANTLY CLEVER and HUMANITARIAN, they don't read their own history of BONE CHILLING DEPRAVITY to one another, without  a Black Person around for hundreds of miles. You can see it in how they don't teach their own Children that they are a part of a entire Bio-System, let alone how to talk to their own parents with REVERED HONOR AND RESPECT. In too many white households, it's a Horrifying 'Every man for Himself', with a casual disregard for how to BEHAVE APPROPRIATELY. You'll see daughters call their mothers, 'Bitch!', sons ignore clear instructions with IMPUNITY.

Not that Ours don't at times, but? Obedience to one's elders and parents is almost a REFLEX in a well run Black home. Even in a chaotic one.

Look. It's nothing personal, but these people have an Earth ANNIHILATING PROBLEM. They think of SELF before they consider the FAR REACHING IMPLICATIONS and get MURDEROUSLY ANGRY whenever anyone points this out. I mean r-e-a-l-l-y, talk about SHORT sighted, you can't piss off 14/15ths of the planet and expect to keep civilization humming. Pour Corexit, one of the most toxic substances ever created, onto an oil spill and not expect to poison every ocean, eventually. IT'S WATER and it FLOWS.

So their problem never goes away because they would rather kill everybody than admit they've got one.

And? That's a problem, that will one day? Leave no doubt as to WHO they are when there's nobody left to tell them. Then, who they will sorely wish, if they hadn't sat on their behinds and watched getting murdered while they blamed the wrong end of the ladder- who they sorely wish were still around to save them. For one day, if they don't wise up?

That white christmas they hoped for? Will become the nightmare gift they open.

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