Sunday, April 15, 2012


I can't help it as a Black Mother, walking down the street, these days, after the murder of Trayvon Martin, getting ANGRY upon seeing a white mother come by, obliviously toting her little FREE son with her - while I live with the constant FEAR for my own who is marching to the Black ManHood that will one day make this woman qUaKe when seeing my Blessing walk towards her, in a future I pray he'll survive.

I can't help but be ENRAGED that she could be so casual that hers is granted a vaulted status, being a color I find a little pasty. I can't help but be OUTRAGED that my Child, is a Perpetual Target of her comfort with white Ignorance, Paranoia, and BRUTALITY. While her indifference is part of her Judgement, she walks on with NO apology. No wish to change her perception that it is OKAY that one of the First Born of her OWN FINAL Judge and Jury, The One and ONLY CREATOR - she has strolled on beyond her only chance for her redemption by fighting on Behalf of GOD'S Chosen People.

She, and all her pale blotchy sisters and brothers, do the same everyday, so casually walking by each and every Black Child they see, wanting Us to apologize for disturbing, with Our Presence - disturbing her thoughts about nothing that will actually save her from a far more CERTAIN Danger, coming towards her, just up ahead...

But then? After the anger, which comes from a love for my Child, thus is IMMEDIATE? I no longer care what happens to her or her people. I can't blame the lion for having teeth, so I don't expect this Clueless white woman to ever step out of her nature. AND, realizing my conclusion is not racist, knowing their nature reaches deeper than the white affliction which judges based on what a Person looks like, not what a Person DOES. I only need worry if I do nothing to Protect myself and those I love, which will, FINALLY, never be - as I have woken up to Black Us as a separate People?

That will never be my Enemy. My verdict on her, on them?

Guilty and Insanely without Remorse.

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