Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The Honorable State of Marriage is not enough to keep a Man. Your Fetching Beauty can't Rivet, FOREVER, the Loyalty of a Man. The Fulfilling Pitter Patter of the Littlest of Feet, also, will not ensure the ongoing Partnership of any Man.

But His Quiet to Himself Complete Submission to The ONE is ALL HE NEEDS - to KNOW there is a DIVINE REASON to Protect everything Else. For no matter what distractions may interfere with the Maintenance of that Man's HEAVEN, if he is not correct in that FIRST and PRIMARY CONNECTION, then all his transgressions will be between himself and his Maker; the result enough to teach Him the difference between the right choices and the wrong, with the later, the ones he will surely come to regret. 

You cannot stop nor redirect him, now, Black Queen - but You have the Duty, to Our Nation that You carry deep inside, to select the Man who KNOWS who Our MASTER IS, not in mere words, nor flowers, but in his actions that You watch to discern what lies deeper, within his heart.

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