Saturday, April 21, 2012


This post is for those who are in the midst of Lousy Dietary Habits - even those You never KNEW were Lousy, which includes any foods that result in an IMBALANCE in Your system, forcing a correction by Your metabolism which IS THE ADDICTION! You will K-N-O-W Your food is HEALING when You can fast without feeling WHOOZIE. Whoozie-ness is a c-l-a-s-s-i-c sign of withdrawal that any junkie undergoes. This post is for YOU, who may HAVE NEVER FASTED OR ARE STILL EATING DEAD FOODS (meat, cheese, eggs, artificial ANYTHING, processed de-natured substances)...

Here on the first day of my 3 day fast and with me only in the first 6 hours? I FEEL FANTASTIC! Once Your body is satisfied with the nutrition You feed it regularly, it actually CRAVES a vacation. So, on top of feeling like eating is pretty unnecessary, today, I haven't gotten ravenously hungry AT ALL. A mild blip I felt about 11am, which lasted only 10 mins. I don't feel INVIGORATED, as I've been told comes the longer a fast endures, but I feel pretty Blissful.

Right now, my system is concentrating on cleaning out my digestive system. By tomorrow, it'll switch to a Ketosis state, where it gets it's energy from accumulated Fat Cells, but ONLY if I don't eat a single morsel of food. Not even drink a cup a tea.

Over the 3 years I've been Vegan I went from a size 22 to a now permanent 6, but I STILL have lumps and bumps that tell me, I was naturally meant to be a slender woman. All this time I thought I was THICK, but turns out I was wrong. But, I'm not TRYING to lose weight as I look attractive to my eyes as I am. HOWEVER, I AM aiming for a CLEAN OPTIMAL SYSTEM, along with the accompanying PEACE OF MIND and HARMONY that fasting brings.

On day 3 I'll add my fresh vegetable juices, but stir clear from any denser matter. It is best to consume only nutrients that which can be rapidly absorbed by my body. I won't take supplements until the following day. Juice fasts, which target the cleaning of specific organs or fixing particular debilitative dysfunctions are also WONDERFUL.

Thought I'd share, in case You were curious and feeling stuck with what will KILL YOU, eventually and PAINFULLY. Now, You don't have to be Vegan to start fasting, or even a Healthy Eater, as a Water Fast will Re-Balance ALL Your Metabolic indicators. Blood Pressure, Insulin Levels. It's what you do the day AFTER that will put You back in DANGER.

But once You've Fasted? You have STRENGTHENED Your ability to be as choosy about what You put INSIDE YOUR TEMPLE as You are about the People You surround Yourself with...

You DO DO THAT, right? Uh-oh. Oops! Time for You to go on a RELATIONSHIP FAST. And maybe that one, for those in Your life who are truly LOUSY PEOPLE, that Fast should last PERMANENTLY.

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