Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Brother Charles Hill said, and I quote, "BLACK PEOPLE : Beware of the network Nickelodeon : It's brainwashing Black children to self-hate their skin , race mix without knowing about themselves and not to mention being delusional about the real world about race ! 

Noticed Nickelodeon shows always showing biracial kids as the lead star and most of the other shows have one token Black male ?There movies heavily promotes interracial hype !

You can ignore what I'm saying ,but I been through this with my 18 year old daughter years ago !!! It took years to detox herself from Nickelodeon . I notice kids who are deep into watching TV are not as smart as kids who read and think !! My 10 year old daughter is smarter than her friends her age because she doesn't watch TV . She reads and studies her history and not to mention creates art ! 

It's unbelievable that todays parents are trusting society to teach their kids. It's so easy to tell your kids to " GO WATCH TV AND LEAVE ME ALONE " ...

And you wonder why our kids grow up not knowing nothing about themselves , be so quick to date outside there race and hate there own race ! I see this !!!!!!! 

Shame on you Black parents for being brainwashed to allow your kids to be brainwashed ...

If you don't talk to your kids about the reality of our society then your sending your kids out in the world unarmed ."

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