Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So much to share and so little time. Wanted to add to my FB journal about my first time doing an extended Water Fast, that today, 3 days after ending it, I felt FANTASTICALLY POWERFUL!!!! Not only did I lose my belly fat (I've become much more slender than even the photo of the BEAUTIFUL WOMAN here. Again, this is not a weight thang for me, but I admit, I'm LOVING IT!!! Who KNEW LIFETIME CHUBB ME could be a little thing? ^^) - not only did I lose that jiggle, but on that two day fast, (granted, at size 6 I didn't have much to lose - yet, it had been STUCK THERE for a YEAR now!!!) however, also? I ran today like I had WINGS on my feet, this morning!!! I felt AMAZING!!! Like I could do it again right now, or start adding an EXTRA MILE.


Definitely, those toxins weighed a TON inside my body, and You wouldn't even KNOW IT as You get used to having them there. My appetite is comfortably r-e-d-u-c-e-d, without me tryyyyying NOT to eat, making me want to eat SMALLER PORTIONS, AUTOMATICALLY. I used to pathetically, uselessly ENVY People who could eat like that. They DROVE ME NUTS! I thought they were gifted with Magical Discipline of STEEL. Nah. They just weren't hungry.

So fasting on the regular to keep myself CLEAR of the accumulating POLLUTION, (even though I'm Vegan, they poison EVERYTHING these days) - is going to be part of my scheduled HYGIENE. Cleaning my outside, cleaning my INSIDE, all naturally.

Why, I FEEL DIVINE, like a Goddess SHOULD. Come join me. It's Your DESTINY, not magical.

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