Friday, April 6, 2012


Books have proven to be one of my son's very best friends, for which I will take only partial credit as I was determined, when he was a baby, to instill a love of reading in him by performing the storylines as the biggest ham, whenever I read to him. From the day after he was born, I began my career as the Most Exciting Thespian Momma, if not for the world – that my son has ever known.
Good thing there are so many exciting books that proved me right, so that now? He reads them as if the action is truly happening. Whew. Their little minds drink in what You give them like regular cactuses in the desert, but You can't over water them. They just absorb even more, bursting with life.

And NOW? Hee! Through my also careful guidance, I hooked up with a whole nuther Black Conscious Family with this PHENOMENAL ON POINT MOM, who also fed the minds of her Children from day one. Well, maybe like me, day two. Gotta rest, sometime, huh?

Well her son, my own's new (according to HIM) BEST FRIEND because they have so much to talk about, is also a VORACIOUS READER! Imagine that! TWO Young Black Boys who are Crazy about the written word!!! Oh, and playing, and being kind, and wrestling, and knowing how not to curse, and listen to commands politely and right away! Yes. Two Upright Black Future Men.

happy sigh...

See, my little family is brand new to Black Consciousness and I've had to start up Our community from ZIP. But there it is, growing as I reach out to connect with other POSITIVELY AFRIKAN DERIVED US. Maybe not all book lovers, but TRUTH AND SELF EMPOWERMENT LOVERS are the ONLY People I'll let anywhere near my Blessing. All while my son is simply having fun thinking he and his curiousness is 'normal' rather than what this broken culture calls being a 'nerd', when he was the only one. He doesn't fully comprehend, but too soon he will, that his mother isn't raising simply one Child, but once Black Me woke-up?

That's when I joined the raising of Our Nation.

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