Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Okay, I gotta say goodnight, but if I see ONE MORE MUSCLED BOUND HALF NAKED PICTURE OF A BLACK MAN, I'MMA SCREAM!!!! Look, I'm one HEALTHY Black Woman, but for real, these are OUR WARRIORS, not some Chippendale DANCERS. Sometimes it's quite rivetingly Appropriate in a painting that conveys the MIGHT of Our People, but for REAL!!!! Just as We Queeeeeens are DIVINE and like Pearls should NEVER been tossed to the Swine?

Our Kiiiiiiiiiiiings are DIAMONDS made of the STERNEST STUFF that transcends the limits of the PHYSICAL. Brothers, just like with the Worst of Men are attracted to Trivial Women, ain't no Sister worth the time of day who can't seeeeeeee beyond what the HECK YOU LOOK LIKE!!!!!!!! Who are these MEN who've been talked into prancing around like some desperate Pansy who can only come alive with a transitory compliment? 

YOU BLACK MAN ARE THE MANIFESTATION OF GOD'S ABILITY TO MAINTAIN EXISTENCE. You are the the reason for the word 'POWER'. That kind of might? Like Our Father He doesn't need to PROVE His OMNIPOTENCE to every loser on the planet?

You, SON OF GOD are too PROFOUND to be scattered amongst the dead who'll never comprehend what for You is so easy...

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