Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Civil Rebellions in Greece, collapse in Spain, Italy and France (with an unemployment rate of 60%) and the removal of ALL RIGHTS from Americans, what's a Self-Loving white man to do? Well, the more I learn what the Amerikkkan School System did NOT teach me, the more I actually k-n-o-w and understand - finally.

Such as one of the reasons the Founding Babies' Daddies (We remember them as Our Rapists and TORTURERS - they as their Founding 'Fathers' but ain't no rapist a family tie that I would EVA celebrate!) - one of the reasons those Pale Faces LIED in The Declaration of Independence with the beguiling concept of 'Equality'. In those not in the s-l-i-g-h-t-e-s-t Happy Pre-Revolutionary Days, with rebellion a CONSTANT REALITY from the 80% PURELY wHITE POPULATION, as that 80% was DESPERATELY IMPOVERISHED and deeeeeeeliberately impoverished by a Landed Gentry that went all the way back to the FILTHY RICH of England - and I'm talkin' DIRT POOR, UNWASHED, STARVING with Mommies and their in RAGS BABIES on the Colonial Streets in the HUNDREDS, AND?

they were despised -

with this constant friction between the Landed Gentry who did NOT come from the any where NEAR the poor people of England, though that's the ASSUMPTION these lying schools encourage with that INSANELY FALSIFIED PILGRIM TALE, the Landed Gentry were not only terrified of Afrikan US, but turns out?

They were SCARED TO DEATH OF THEIR OWN. As they should have been, cause they treated them as DIGUSTINGLY as they had back in Not at aaaaaaaalllllll Merry Ol' England. They'd been wanna be Nobility, tryin' to catch up to their Betters who exploited the masses on the regular. It was Noble business as USUAL. Try some Dickens novels, Johnathan Swift's 'A Modest Proposal' or his 'Gulliver's Travels' and You'll get a Drop Your Jaw on the Floor Full of white society before they thought anybody else was paying attention. Now? They don't DARE contemplate in public that something may be intrinsically WRONG with them.

That's what Black Us are here for.

But as I was writing before I rudely interrupted myself - European Tyrants who exported their Contagious Tyranny over here, they were piss in their pants afraid of constant rebellion. 

Richard Morris wrote, upon an inspection of colonial newspapers from the 1700s,

"Numerous instances of mass desertions by white servants took place in the Southern colonies... The atmosphere of 17th century Virginia was charged with plots and rumors of combinations of servants to RUN AWAY." My emphasis.

There were HUNDREDS of rebellions on the part of poor whites (bearing in mind they were the MAJORITY of the white population), both large (Bacon's Rebellion) and small (white indentured servants who were forbidden to marry, raped with impunity, whipped and the like would often attack their masters to then be either killed or have their body parts dismembered. This was until they got enough of Afrikan US to take their places, and then treat Us Historically, Unprecedentally WORSE). 

Then, there was ONE MORE PROBLEM that forced the Founding BDs to tell the common people that they were ONE THEIR SIDE -

The commoners were suddenly, unlike in Europe? EXPOSED TO THE FREEDOM PRACTICING MINDSETS OF OTHER PEOPLES. From the natives to whom poor whites rushed to the borne of on a continuous basis at the risk of Horrific BRUTAL TORTURE if they were caught - Blood Curdling Torture exacted b-e-f-o-r-e they were KILLED - to their one on one connections with We LEGENDARILY WISE and EGALITARIAN NATURED Black People. In the beginning, preceding the perfecting of their brainwashing against Black Us, everyone worked side by side. Boy, lemme tell Ya, those Euro-Peed-Ons, who'd lived for thousands of years under non-stop barbaric oppression didn't know what'd hit 'em.

But We call it 'Freedom'.

So, what's a Lazy Despot to do with a fleeing populace who seeing BETTER ALTERNATIVES to Hell, what oh WHAT to Do?

What he always does - LIE. Only never had he needed to do so, so DESPERATELY. Why those Crackers laid it out in words so BOLD, so INSPIRATIONAL - We hold these truths to be S-E-L-F


that ALL MEN are created 


WT? And here WE WANTED TO BELIEVE THEY MEANT IT!!!!!!! Dang. The whole world fell for that WHOPPER! But these Despots had to keep the DUMB LOYALTY of his not really 'fellow' white man in chains, when in reality? The Founding BDs would have STRIPPED THE CORNEA OFF THEIR OWN EYEBALLS before they let one of those downtrodden near their daughters. Did Ya know that NOT A ONE of those huddled masses ever made it into the reaches of the STILL IN CHARGE Landed Gentry. Never. Horatio Alger, like Satan Claus is a MYTH.

Then the chains around the unwashed white masses were and are equally easily kept a jingling with the fear all white men have of a Black Planet, or a Brown one, or an Asian one, (though even the Asian one, as WISE as the talk, their a-c-t-i-o-n-s scares me, TOO, as that region of the world has its OWN sorry GENOCIDAL history of its own). But, in the face of the white downtrodden coming into contact with the OVERWHELMING HUMANITY of other Peoples, the DEBAUCHEROUSLY VILE Landed Gentry wouldn't have STOOD A CHANCE if they had tried revealing the TRUTH of the pathetic crumbs of existence they had ALWAYS OFFERED.

And that is the REAL REASON that the Lie has finally been EJECTED by the Soulless Rich. With them feeling e-x-t-r-a confident manufacturing high tech weapons for crowd torturing, ushering in a potentially endless new era of DIRE POVERTY for the VAST MAJORITY OF WORLD CITIZENS (which is easy with a population almost as IG'NANT as were those illiterate Euro-Peed-Ons), the lie of Equality is no longer necessary. Which, humorously, when You examine the existence of a body called The ELECTORAL SYSTEM, and the Senatorial half of Congress that has the MOST POWER and is elected the LEAST democratically, those features have always made sure that Lie didn't get out of HAND. God FORBID that TRUTH get out to Our minds...

Whew! The United States of Amerikkka can RELAX NOW, as in the place of the Lie has come a LOCKDOWN COPORATE FASCISTIC POLICE STATE. Just like the Good Ol' Days in Merry Ol' Europe, where 90% of the entire population were SERFS!!!! A continent with more varieties of TORTURE DEVICES than there are letters in the English Alphabet!!! More like as many as there are Chinese Characters in both Mandarin and Cantonese...

So for these demons? It's no surprise that they're killing white folks, today, also. They're making this day and age for them as cozy as coming home after a long and grueling couple centuries of work, where they had to re-rope up the cattle - or don't they call Us the GOYEM? Yet, Still, after a long hard day of work? Little single torture mechanisms like waterboarding are ONLY THE BEGINNING of their satisfying Accomplishments of having convinced Us ALL that Satan is Our FRIEND.

Now, don't get me WRONG!!!! There is NO SUCH THING as a ONE HUMAN RACE NATION as We are ALL VERY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Different as individuals and then? As c-u-l-t-u-r-e-s, which are based on the collective expression of the individuals, within that inform them. I don't want to live with white people in charge of me as they have no collective ability to reign in the hatred of others that PERMEATE their numbers. But few will admit to that, as the notion of a Free Us, with an ability to DEFEND OURSELVES, SCARES THE BEJEEZUS OUTTA THEM! But, the safety of my Black Children is NOT ON THE TABLE. Especially not into FOREVER.

Not to mention, white people deserve a place where they can be their natural white selves, whatever the HECK that is. Long Live white folks, but please?

Do that from far, far, far, far away. And don't worry, Original Children of Allah. If they don't acknowledge and then apologize for being so deviously treacherous at the top, and co-operative with treachery at the bottom? Somebody much LARGER THAN ALL OF US, will soon be arriving to teach why they should have -

while they could...

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