Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We are the victims of a culture OUT OF BALANCE with logic, and WISDOM. Simply because Our Foe has whipped Us with LIES, TRICKERY and TAUNTS, We then use nursery rhymes Childishness to explain away Our LOSS of the ability to THINK for OURSELVES.

Like that r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s saying, "All things in MODERATION." Does that include Rattlesnake BITES? Or a cup of DRANO? How bout a moderate leap from a 20 story building? If You are an UNREASONING BRUTE then You hear a Cockamammie Statement such as that and use it to continue with the ADDICTIONS that KILL You, because they taste good. But Heroin makes You feel good, too. And any family member of a Heroin Addict would rationally argue with their loved one that there's no such thing as shooting up a little bit.

Thus, despite seeing the results ALL AROUND of consuming food given to Us by a people who lived in the most UN-PRODUCTIVE REGION OF THE EARTH - seeing Your Aunt going on meds, Your cousin, Your brother, Your CHILDREN scheduled to DIE years before YOU - despite that You continue to think a steak, or fried chicken is worth the agony of CANCER. Why You are so accustomed to the probability of an Overweight Early Death, You think getting colds, having pains, rashes, allergies, erectile dysfunction, and aging BADLY - is a NORMAL PART of LIFE!!!!

No they're not. Not for the thinking. Not for the HEALTHILY DOING.

There is NO SUCH THING as MODERATION OF POISON. Period. Eating corpses is not only grisly, if You were to see it for what it IS with Your Thinking Mind - eating

corpses -

it is not only grisly, it's flooding Your body with toxins called tetracyclic amines that coat every cell like a SLUDGE, suffocating it off from any h-o-p-e of real nutrition. That's why meat eaters EAT SO DANG MUCH. They're literally STARVING.

Then there's the body's inability to process all that darn compacted animal protein. You can't poop it out, because meat has little FIBER. It goes into You like a ROCK, getting lodged in the crooks of Your intestines for YEARS; while Your organs are crushed by the duty of turning that excess protein into arthritis creating URIC ACID, and KIDNEY KILLING ammonia. From every kind of animal based protein, be that beef, fish, fowl, eggs, milk or cheese. It's all poison, with NO POSSIBILITY of MODERATION, as -

there no such thing as a Moderately DEAD YOU.

Chuck the nursery rhyme and the corpses. You're too mature for that ISH, now. Aren't You?

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