Sunday, April 22, 2012


Let's get the story Straight. NOBODY EVER DIED FROM A MUSCLE ATTACK, CIRRHOSIS OF THE BICEPS, or even a tumor on his gluteus maximus. Death to the body occurs ONLY when the


cease to function, and principally, the Heart, the Brain and the Liver.

So for You Weekend WARRIORS? 'Looking' physically strong ain't STRONG WHERE IT COUNTS.

And Black Men, when You dedicate Yourselves to pumping it up? Your nearly fully functioning Pineal Gland (85% of Caucasians have a frozen one, and Yours is also if You are drinking fluoridated water) - the pineal gland secretes melatonin which strengthens the immune system, and thus fortifies Your

organs. And Your muscles.

So, when You pump it up, You can take Your body to levels that make You appear SUPERIOR to the monetarily rich but not as Sinew-ly endowed YT man. A Wonderful but useless feeeeeeeeling. Yes. You can develop Self-Respect by the HONORABLE DISCIPLINE building fibrous mass demands. YOU GO, KINGS!!! And unlike this guy? Moderate You SHO LOOK GOOOOOOOOOD to Us Queens!

But please don't stop THERE! 'Cause other than providing the ability to move and lift? Working out for mere PHYSICAL PROWESS can harm You if You do NOT eat to Strengthen what keeps You ALIVE. Making lighthearted fun of that puny guy over there? May come back to haunt You when all that increased Might You THINK You have proves USELESS against the FAILURE of Your organs.

This is straight Caveman neurosis, trying to APPEAR powerful, when in truth? You ain't NUTHIN' but puffed Up, as all those muscles won't help You survive the very same disorders that are cutting down the standard OBESE Person. Dang. All that DISCIPLINE, but? You grow weak for the taste of a Steak, and are FOOLED by the diet of Our Enemy, who living in the barren expanse of Europe had to eat FLESH - when every study PROVES protein from fruits and vegetables will make both organs and muscles FAR STRONGER. Animal proteins are POORLY absorbed and that's why meat-eating You need so DANG MUCH OF IT.

Sadly, athletes, unless living an ENTIRE REGIMEN of Health? Drop off like flies from eating excessive amounts of what kills anyone, as massive quantities of acids that come from this diet destroy the kidneys and thus the rest of your


You just make a much prettier corpse.

Unless You're this guy. Speaking for the Sisters? EWWWWWWWW! All Love and Respect for his Determination, but? That'll never look good, and MOST ESPECIALLY, not in a coffin.

EAT TO LIVE, not to just look good, or feeeeeeeeel Strong.

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