Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is going to be TOUGH LOVE, however?

If You know the stuff U are eating, drinking, smoking, toking, shooting is killing You? Even U who don't consider Yourself a LOSER, but consider Yourself a regular Self-Lovin' STRONG PERSON... if You have done NUTHIN' to stop indulging in what's Killing You, with Your FULL KNOWLEDGE of it's Deadliness?

Next time You see somebody 'bout to jump off the top of a building, I know You're too kind to say, "Go 'head and JUMP!", but don't front by telling 'em, "Life is WORTH IT!" cause U are a 


Life for You has NOT been worth the effort to care for Y-O'-S-E-L-F, so?

I won't say something harsh like, 'Go on Join 'Em', cause? You're already there, not matter WHAT I say. But, here I am, nearly EVERYDAY, the Loving voice trying to remind You how PRECIOUS YOU ARE & that YOU DESERVE making that effort, no matter how difficult it seeeeeeeeems. For there are MOUNTAINS of DIAMONDS, but

Only One U.

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