Thursday, May 31, 2012


Having a Black President (black-like, more accurately) is important enough that You, Obama Supporter, will ignore the FACT he is more Rightwing than the rightwing on a one winged bird, and thus You'll VOTE for his enactment of a Tyranny in the U.S. more Complete than even when there were ABSOLUTE Kings and Queens in Europe? 'Cause even they had to kill within the law. Obama has guaranteed than not him, nor any other need bother with that annoyance, again. On top of the greatest number of Black Families thrown into the streets during the history of any sitting president. Yup. That's how muuuuuuch You need to prove to white people that Black Us can chew gum and walk at the same time?

Well, hope You've enjoyed Your brief moment in the False Sun, under Lucifer - Bearer of Light, not the SOURCE, cause You best know -

DESPERATE BLACK YOU HAS BEEN SET UP to throw Your People under the bus, and guarantee so will EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!! 'w'hite people will NEVER, EVA, as long as they are in charge (and what military do YOU command, what weapons factory do Negro U OWN?) - as long as they call the shots? With this Presidential Flunky and YOUR GLEEFUL SUPPORT OF HIM, they have made ceeeeeeeertain there will never be another black-like one again, let ALONE...

a real Black President. Cause if he can't pay any attention to Us, then he's only made it okay for the SOLID STRETCH OF wHITE ONES, up ahead, to ignore Us, toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Welcome, still Bamboozled, to Your Eternity of 2nd Class Citizenship, otherwise known as 'NEVER FREE'.


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