Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The Beloved Love of My Life King has never brought me a bouquet of roses. Nope. Has skipped Valentine's Day since I met him 6 years ago. But please no sympathy or commiseration, necessary. Instead? CONGRATULATE ME on my Blessed CHOICE as he's a thiiiiiiiinking Black Man, whose mind is too ProFOUND to submit to a Directionless Hollyweird Hallmark Guide to Romance for Zombies, both male and female. My Beloved LOVE OF MY LIFE K-I-N-G is exactly that because not only is he a Man of his WORD with theeeeee word he gave me, one he has NEVER WAVERED from - but?...

Everyday he gives me better than roses in the Gift of his BRILLIANT PRESENCE that I have never ceased to find InToXiCaTiNg as I waited for My Man, and not begged any ol' warmed over body to be with me. All that Treasure I call my Husband is covered in the finest wrap of his Tireless DEDICATION to me, whom he calls, his Good Woman and all that any Man could want.

Whew, I say, as I know he means it, or as a Man who doesn't waste time pretending? He'd be on his way.

Yes. In my house, each new dawn is a Real Valentine's Day that can't fit on a fake heart festooned card. And no 2D movie actress can memorize this script I call my Life, cause it ain't no script. This is the JOY I open everyday.

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