Wednesday, May 9, 2012


As I found in 'The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews, a DIRECT QUOTE FROM MARC DOLLINGER, A wHITE JEW.
(Capitalized emphasis solely my own) -
"Despite the Nation of Islam's political marginalization, American Jewish Committee officials still feared [Elijah] Muhammad. His charismatic personality, willingness to CONFRONT RACISM in the most dramatic rhetorical terms and ABILITY TO INSPIRE EVEN NON-BELIEVING AFRICAN American listeners concerned Jewish leaders. The Nation of Islam leader, they FEARED, could EARN THE RESPECT OF HIS BLACK AUDIENCES, even if they chose not to join his movement."

ALLAHU AKBAR!!!! TRUTH straight from Our Enemy's FORKED MOUTH. Aren't the Jews supposed to be Our FRIENDS? Dang, but here a confession that they feared Our Prophet not because he wanted to put them into ovens, but because he wanted to FREE US. Ya gotta have a Nation, even the fledgling beginning of one to reveal so MUCH. Because one of Black Us can't be everywhere to spy the ways of the Devil.


Only newly awakened me modestly adds what the NOI may not be at liberty to say, regarding this quote. THIS IS WHY, OUT OF SHEER TERROR OF A DOING FOR OURSELVES BLACK PEOPLE, THIS IS WHY THEY GAVE US THE LIE OF INTEGRATION.

Because the So-Called, straight from Russia and NEVER Palestine Jews also run The Federal Reserve and The Bank of England. So? They OWN ALL branches of the U.S. government. They've had to be slick about it in order not to arouse general suspicion. But today in this modern 21st Century they have the common white man on such LOCKDOWN that they no longer leave ANY DOUBT that CORRUPTION is IN CHARGE.

Thus when The Messenger of Allah was around, stirring up BLACK PRIDE?

White man was no longer certain he had U-S on lockdown with Jim Crow Laws and frequent lynchings giving Credibility to the Vision of Elijah. See, We, until The Messenger, believed that even if he was ornery, the white man was GOD. Why Diasporic Black Women in America were bleaching their skin just as Motherland Afrikans are today. Cause We thought the Devil was a red, or BLACK man with horns, a tail and a pitchfork. Not a WALKING mAN who wore a suit and tie. Yet, here strides in ELIJAH teaching Us how to live as a Separating NATION, and then suddenly?

TERRIFIED JewISH folks were flocking down to help with O-U-R INTEGRATION efforts, that have now led to the first and only time in Our HISTORY, after living with these highly disagreeable people - it has led to rampant Black on Black CRIME, along with Black Women prostituting themselves while believing it RESPECTABLE. I don't which was better. The Bleaching Cream or the Boobs on the Glass...

Nah. This MESS We think is Us is NOT an ACCIDENT, as the Civil Right Struggle didn't begin with common Black People. It began in?

THE SUPREME COURT, RUUUUUUUUUUUULED BY THE ROTHSCHILDS AND THEIR DESPERATE DEMONS. Then, they still had to make their strategies to annihilate Us seem 'respectable'. For what movement of the People begins with a pat on the back from SATAN?

Nah. Wake-up Beloveds. As Our Dear Martin Luther King, Jr. began to suspect, and that's why they killed him, he realized in Hell?

All the houses are on fire.

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