Friday, May 11, 2012


Here's a funny discovery I've made taking slow steps to eating Healthy, and Exercising. Starting from a point where I was near out of control of what I ate and how much, to now where I allow myself to eat whatever I like only on Friday?

I have found that YOU START TO JEALOUSLY GUARD EATING WHAT HEALS, ALL WHILE STILL WORKING OUT. On Friday, to control the little Ravenous beastie inside, I've always given myself perm
ission to do nothing and/or eat whatever I please. I don't have to move a muscle and I c-a-a-a-a-n start the day by consuming 5 pancakes, 3 peanut butter sandwiches, and french fries, 4 slices of pizza, and a half box of cookies! That's what I pretty much USED TO EAT, and none of it organic or vegan, while sitting on my behind!

But something takes over once You start healing inside that's too Undeniable to let be destroyed by my unthinking gluttonous side.

See? I FEEL BETTER THAN I DID AS A TEENAGER. No exaaaaaaggeration!!! I'm f~a~s~t~e~r, more JOYOUS,


and I look FAB-U-LOUS at one year short of FIFTY. No medicines, no diseases, no flus, not even a pimple.

So something happens when You feel that DAMNED GOOD. You don't want to NOT EAT what has cured You. And Your Body TELLS YOU, "MOVE ME!" Thus today, this Friday? After INSISTING that I continue my journey of WELLNESS by running, eating fruit smoothies, green drinks and other foods that once would have made me sHuDdEr? If, Should, Maybe, By CHANCE, if I have time at the end of the evening, I'll eat a little extra, a couple more of my Delicious Homemade Organic VEGAN cinnamon cookies, but there's NO WAY CAN I do what once laid me low and out.

And I don't feel the least bit deprived. Why, WHO WOULD, and as I've discovered, who could?

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