Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here on the internet I have had the SUPREME PLEASURE, the VAULTED HONOR of meeting CONSCIOUS AND AWAKENING BLACK YOU. Getting to know You, Celebrate You and

Growing STRONGER from the Connecting.

Because I am a Lousy Black Me without a MIGHTY BLACK YOU.

Thus, Your JOY is my OWN, not my e-n-v-y!!! My Goodness!!! When We, each are meeting, becoming friends, FALLING IN LOVE as this GORGEOUS CONSCIOUS BLACK COUPLE HAS, Dearest Brother SiriusNaga and Sister Ife, pronouncing their intended NUPTIALS, who after many tribulations found AFRIKAN LOVING EACH OTHER right here on Our Extended Family Network? This is beyond the merely 'social'. This is the BUILDING of Our very Black Future that shall then have a greater ability, more of a reason to continue Our Upward RISE.

That's because in that forging connection, every brick builds Our Pyramids of Souls wherein Our Children are GUARANTEED to have a better chance of meeting their EQUALS as comrades and mates. Not wasting YEARS, tarrying on still unfortunately LOST and WANDERING Black Souls since it ain't easy to run across Persons like Us, having had Our Sane Minds literally BEATEN OUT over the last 400 years. Why, the whole process of coming together as Friends, FAMILY is sublimely


Not this European Self and Everything ELSE DESTRUCTIVE 'individualism', embraced by them to give credence to stealing from everyone in sight using the LUNACY of PRIVATE PROPERTY as the first spoils of that theft – it gives credence to doing whatever that individual pleases - the World, including that individual's future be DAMNED. Oh, yeah. Allah IS watching. Guess they didn't think about that looking for excuses to justify being beasts.

Not very 'Future' contemplating of them, and now for most of Us.

For We, too, have adopted the ANNIHILATING INSANITY of Future KILLING smoking, drinking, whoring, homosexuality, brutality, useless toxic greed, temporary lust, MURDER, and a host of other ISHes even WORSE, (sHuUUUuuUuUdDeR!!!) We have fallen below even the logic of toddlers, who graduate beyond the fascination with Self, as soon as they discover life is better w-i-t-h the ones that You LOVE in HARMONY, and that means COMPROMISE. Geeeeez. What IGITS We've been raised by the white man to be! As OF COURSE We each remain UNIQUE. UH-DUH!!! What STUPIDITY to think planning AHEAD to strengthen BONDS means that Person or person DISSAPPEARS. We are just to DARNED BOLD to fizzle away like THAT!

Learning simple CIVILITY, COMPASSION for ALL and especially for Our VERY BRILLIANT DIFFERENT, not robotic and STILL Black Conscious TRIBE is not a burden when the Pay-Off is not only Enriching, but?

We are


to enjoy TRUE WEALTH that lasts longer than the Sun shall climb the length and breadth of the Heavens - trying to catch Us...

To my Beloved Friends and SIBLINGS of the Blood of my SOUL, SiriusNaga and Ife = UHURU na MAHABA, FOREVER.

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