Monday, May 21, 2012


On Facebook, Sister Sweetcakes Franklin shared:

"Gloria Steinem first came across the radar of Black men in 1978 when Steinem put a book called “Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman” on the cover of Ms. Magazine, the magazine which she controlled. The book was “written” by a Black “feminist” and “activist” named Micele Wallace who came out of nowhere. Wallace was in her early twenties at the time, yet she was being touted as the “leader” of Black feminism. In the book, Wallace called abolitionists like Harriet Tubman and Sojouner Truth “ugly” and “stupid” for supporting Black men.

She called Black Revolutionaries “chauvinist macho pigs” and advised Black women to “go it alone.” Gloria Steinem said that Wallace’s book would “define the future of Black relationships” and she pushed hard to make sure the book received massive publicity. Gloria Steinem’s work triggered a flood of “Hate Black Men” books and films that continues to this day. Needless to say, some were quite suspicious of Ms. Magazine and Gloria Steinem.

Why was Steinem sticking her nose into the affairs of the Black community? So people started doing some research on Steinem. When it came out that Gloria Steinem was probably the ghost writer of the book with Michele Wallace’s name on it, Wallace had a nervous breakdown and went into hiding for two years. However, the damage was already done and the “Hate Black Men” movement was off and running. But the research into Gloria Steinem’s background continued."

End Quote. I only add,

Oh, MAN! How they PLOT AND SCHEME!!! This is in perfect line with the history I shared a while back that shows Gloria Steinem was STRRRRAAAAAA8HT CIA!!! 

Sad sigh because when I hear Our Sisters, who are so ANGRY with Our Brothers, RAGING about them with such CONTEMPT? I know who taught them to Heal a Wound by stabbing it MORE, and then pouring in SALT. And? SAME THING FOR OUR BROTHERS. Don't You seeeeeeeee?

When You EXPECT LIFE TO BE HELL? Hell is happy to grant You Your wish...

1 comment:

  1. I feel sad for the simple minded women who follow a random white woman (or any woman at all) to the ends of the Earth and turning their backs on the people who gave you life is just pathetic...just sayin'...
