Wednesday, May 2, 2012


When I talk about Truth having NO COLOR? I ain't lying. With the fundaMENTAL TRUTH being, white and Black don't BELONG TOGETHER. As Beloved Sister Dr. Francis Welsing surmised, white people are STARK RAVING SCARED of Us. In order to feel comfortable, so they give Us a job, and don't SHOOT US? We have to constantly conform to more circus act 'Don't Be Too Black' Tricks. Well, what the HECK is TOO BLACK, and WHY?

See, there are no Black or Brown Persons who not only torture another people, but cut off his Penis. That's as far as FEAR CAN GO. To even include - the severing of a Man's Legacy accomplished on a CHILD, by calling the murder of a Black Boy who has never had the CHANCE of having Children - a murder by a Grown white man, calling that 'Self DEFENSE' or 'STAND YOUR GROUND'. But the law is applied only to white people. Let Black Us try that? And it's decades of jail or seconds alive after a lethal injection.

So, I'm talking as Far as TRUTH CAN GO, while being censored. Meaning, I'll bring the Truth so maybe even white people can understand it. For the separation of We two races will Heal not only Black Us, but an As FAR as it can GO APOLOGY will be good for the white soul. Even if it's itty bitty, as soul's have an AGE, just like the physical realm, and sorry, but they haven't been here very long and?


Thus, Admitting Wrong and NEVER DOING IT AGAIN? Might make the white man think better of himself, and stop leaving a Legacy to his children of being the most Reviled people who have ever existed on this planet. No. Nobody else has traversed the globe bringing only Death.

That's right. As FAR as the Truth goes, that's where Freedom will be CERTAIN for EVERYBODY. Everybody.

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