Thursday, May 31, 2012



This ain't me in the picture, to let You know, but I ran into a Sister who lives on my block who wants to come by to get my training and health assistance. Well, DARNIT! She asked me, quietly, how old I was and then was SHOCKED (for reeeeeal, not fake) when I told her I was 50. I mean she was AMAZED as she said she had been POSITIVE, seeing me running all over the neighborhood, that I was in my EARLY 30s.

Well, DANGNAMIT! Thank U, HOWEVER? I don't want some young chippee (no slight against this Woman in the picture) - however I don't want a newborn babe getting credit for what a Near Doggone ELDER ME should be reaping the reward for!!!!! What does a Consistently Exercising, Consciously Organic Vegan 50yr old have to do to get older Queens realizing that THEY TOO have all the POWER they need to be the Woman they


Do I Friggin hafta be SEVENTY and still blazin' around so I finally LOOK FIFTY? Geez.

Well, if I have to, that's what I'll do. Just my luck though, by then, I'll only begin to look all of 40. SHOOT!

and chuckle...

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