Friday, May 11, 2012


My child ain't gonna NEVER leave home!!!! I've gotten to cookin' Vegan foods so goooooood, and LAWD KNOWS there's very few restaurants that do Vegan p-l-u-s ORGANIC, let alone regular FOLKS, ensuring that this boy will be with me even after he weds!!!!

And I'm not HAVIN' IT, although he's an AMAZINGLY GLORIOUS MANCHILD! I don't know why they say they get worse as they get older because though he has his 'bits', everywhere we go People FALL IN LOVE with my Sun. (^^) sigh...

But I'm not raisin a Momma's Boy, so if I'mma get him OUTTA HERE I've got to share at least SOME of my recipes, just in case a Lovely Young Black Queen has a Lovely Young Black PRINCESS daughter, who Allah has already decided is the future young Goddess for whom I am raising my child to be her CHAMPION LIFELONG SOULMATE. So here goes. Elijah LOVES these cookies/cracker.


Not a cracker; I just like the name, this is a gluten free substitute for the JOY of grahams, as graham flour is wheat. Not GOOOOOOD for anybody, really. And the dash of cayenne pepper in the recipe adds that SPLASH We Old School Peeps used to get from those spicy cinnamon candies, but know better than to allow Our Children today. So we are talkin' YUMMY!!!


1 cup Organic Earth Balance, room temperature
1 cup sucanat (substitute for equivalent coconut palm sugar which might eliminate the need for stevia).
2 TBS and a half tsp ground organic cinnamon
3 and a quarter tsps pure organic vanilla extract
2 cups spelt flour (not entirely gluten free, but greatly reduced. Use your favorite kind adjusting for texture differences)
1 tsp baking powder (aluminum free)
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp stevia (if using sucanat)
a dash of cayenne, or more if You like it extra HOT

Preheat oven to 375 degrees and have 2 greased cookie sheets or 2 parchment lined cookie sheets ready. Cream together the sucanat and Earth Balance. Set aside. Sift together the flour, salt, baking powder and stevia. Returning to creamed sucanat (or palm sugar) add the cinnamon, and vanilla, mixing thoroughly. Mix creamed portion into flour portion and combine until You have soft dough. Then add that dash of cayenne. Scissor in with a fork to blend. Taste test to make sure it's too Your liking. Roll the dough out on a large cutting board till about 1/8th of an inch thick. Slice into rectangles using a pizza cutter. With a paper thin spatula, lift each cookie/cracker onto the prepared cookie tray, with a half inch separation. The two sheets will give You enough surface space to place all the cookies.   Using a fork, poke holes down the center of each. You can sprinkle extra sucanat or palm sugar on top, but they don't really need them. Bake for 15 minutes. Broil the tops for a second, depending on how hot Your broiler. It gives them a nice toasted look.


Now. That should do it to make certain I don't have a 40yr old grown Man on my hands as by then I'm planning on a WHOLE LOT of ME TIME!

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