Friday, June 1, 2012


Homosexuals are fond of pointing out their Abominated by Allah practice (their fight is against God, ULTIMATELY) - they are fond of proving the 'Naturalness' of Faggotry by showing Lower Creatures who indulge in same sex coupling. According to biological sources over 1,500 separate species use homosexuality for a variety of reasons and under an assortment of causations.

SO WHAT? Those are BEASTS, who no matter their inclination? I don't even follow Mortal Man, let alone a DANG WART HOG!!! My EVERY CELL which was made to work PRECISELY with my King in GLORY to ALLAH, if He sees fit, can work to produce a Child!!! And the same is true for all those animals. Not a one of them can procreate using Abomination.

Except? And I don't see the LBGBT community (did I forget one, there's a new debauchery everyday. OH! NAMBLA, too...) - I don't see them mentioning this 


that only the LOWEST OF THE LOWEST OF LIFEFORMS practicing asexuality create an offspring. Period. I'm sorry but I'm trying to reach my GODMIND, not my Fungus-mind, since these Creatures don't even have a BRAIN!!! HECK NO!!! I don't follow Amoeba,  Algae, Slime Molds, or any Infestation that presents its bottom dwelling self as GREATER than THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. 'Cause to get Higher, look to The MAN WHO IS THE HIGHEST, not to the sludge He trods upon.

I p-r-a-y He finds me worthy. APDTA that He left some DETAILED instructions that I hear a Cabbal of Bacteria is trying to change.

Only if We lay down and let the mold grow over Our Brains...

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