Thursday, June 28, 2012



Do for Self. Period. We cannot beat the evil doing evil as in any fight, nobody comin' on it in progress, and Our battle with Europeans and European Derivatives has been in progress since they crawled out of the caves - nobody can tell who started it. 

This is a war to win the TRUST of the People. Right now, the Ponzi Scam of The Civil Rights Movement has worked PERFECTLY as planned. Black Folks are CONVINCED white Demoncrazy is their True Caucasian Jesus, while We never gained economic freedom beyond the perimeter of the plantation and thus? We are forced to come crawling back to Massa for JOBS. Even the most CONSCIOUS of Us.

It's going to be a step by step healing starting in EVERY HOME. Brothers and Sisters must stop blaming each other for what went wrong and WORK LIKE WE ARE ON A SINKING SHIP - TOGETHER. Don't friggin' follow the white man's Hollyweird instructions and dishonor Your BAMBOOZLED Sisters by TAKING ADVANTAGED OF HER SLUTIZED BEHAVIOR. Let her know, for real. You want to get to know HER so You can tell if she is someone you can staaaaaaaand being with for a LIFETIME where You and she raise HOMESCHOOLED BLACK WARRIORS AND WARRIORESSES, with an emphasis on teaching them that they are sufficient to THEMSELVES.

I think the Brothers are STRONGER in this regard as too many Queens fall apart at the prospect of being alone. Sad but true as We tend to be more emotional. Can take a Wombman half a lifetime to realize life is much better if she's not using her body to attract Men she doesn't even LIKE. She just gets LONELY. smh.

That's the ONLY SOLUTION. Don't put the puppet here. Put that period.

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