Thursday, June 21, 2012


There are many reasons I have stepped away from using Profanity. One is I insist on beeeeeeing what I say, and that is FIRSTLY, the Humble Dutiful Servant of Allah. So if I want to be with HIM? I doubt that'll happen if I'm cussin' up a storm, as what school would You send Your Child to where the teacher uses expletives during classroom time? Thus, I doubt Our Father would trust anybody Precious around a Filthy Mouthed Me, let Alone HIS ALPHA AND OMEGA SELF. So, I'mma be CONSISTENT and not make up EXCUSES as I am a Garden of LIFE, not a Junkyard of Rot.

But ALSO? The more cursing with words one does, the WEAKER is the effect of whatever little fecal smeared truth might be hidden inbetween all that sewage trash. Yeah, maybe someone who AGREES with U is gonna be impressed, but You'll have done SHUT DOWN ANYBODY ELSE OUTSIDE YOUR CHOIR. That adds up to a whole lotta NUTHIN' as the goal is to RESURRECT OUR DEAD, not bury them even deeper. See. That old European Christian EXAGGERATED ADVISE of 'Turn the other cheek..' wasn't meant to mean that, literally.

It should have been, 'Bring Your truth Calmly and Kindly as is in Your might, and You'll have to turn Your cheek to accept all the kisses that made the other side sore."

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