Friday, June 22, 2012


Sisters, I know. I know. But he ain't Your GIRLFRIEND, he's a MAAAAAAAAAN. We've been Hollyweird-ized to like Samuel Jackson in the movie and then Urkel-ize him as soon as We get him home. smh. Oh, Dearest Queeeeeeeeeens, know that the white man is easily OVERWHELMED by his woman, answering to her with palpable fear; too timid to stop her from minimizing her vaulted status by going CLUELESSLY along with the Rockefeller Women's Lib Con, which made her the world's first global hooker. Her man weakly agreed with cheap rationalizations that made him no more than her Intellectual Pimp - I won't go into how We, trying to keep Ours, followed suit. Suffice to say that the white man and his woman keep wonderin' why, after fixating on looks, which fall to nothing in quick time, why he's chasin' after teenagers after 20 years of marriage, or after somethin' worse.

The BLACK MAN IS NOT FROM THE CAVES AND HILLS OF EUROPE!!!! His FIRE is not made to be afraid of his WOMAN. What kind of INSANITY IS THAT?! You want him jumping through how many hoops to prove his Undying Love for You? 5? 15? 100? Per minute?

Oh, Yes. To him, I have finally understood, that if We carry Ourselves with Dignity, We Black Women are the f-l-o-w-e-r that makes all the blooms sigh, as far as he is certain, because We walk, We talk and unlike any manifestation on this planet We sooooooothe his Passionate Soul. However, he ain't Your GIRLFRIEND. You ain't his GOD. You are the other HALF of his Maker that he MUST RESPECT to build a Strong NATION; but Know, he's not there to worship U, not there to cater to Ur every whim cause U never learned how to cater to Your Own. Don't insist he prove to You, CONSTANTLY, Your desirability. YOUR SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT when You are mature enough for a Strong Black Man. That King ain't no Dustin Hoffman, nor is he Your therapist. And if You LOVE Black Men?

You don't mind. Oh, how DELIGHTFULLY U don't mind, not one bit. Can I get an AMEN, my Beloved Sisters? (^^)

1 comment:

  1. Lisa G here.
    My email ADR is Getintogear1@ or Lgilles@Hunter.CUNY.Edu
    Are you still making jewelry?
    How is your son?
