Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Okay. I'm juicing today, so I can't help but share warnings about the ONGOING Fukushima DISASTER cause U may be thinking this is a J-a-p-a-n-e-s-e THANG, and You couldn't be more WRONG.

Did U know that EIGHTY PERCENT of the radiation went into and out over the Pacific Ocean? Figuring that in Tokyo, which is 170 miles from Ground Zero, radioactive levels have recently been clocked at TWENTY FIVE TIMES HIGHER than those areas near Chernobyl that were EVACUATED?!!!! With only 20 DAMNED PERCENT of the fuuuuuuull BRUNT of the radiation, as most of it went EASTWARD?

Let me make this clear. Just cause U can't see it? Radiation ain't no extra sunny day. You can't SUNBLOCK out Cesium, and it BIO-ACCUMULATES. Meaning, the longer U are exposed? THE MORE RADIATION THAT'S IN U. Why, in those evacuated areas around Chernobyl, there are pretty much no more insects, birds, no more mammals, not even SLUGS. They are called DEAD ZONES cause everything within them are DEAD, and that's with lessssssss radiation than is currently in Tokyo. The Japanese People, especially in Tokyo, are sadly?

TOAST-Y-O-ed. And it doesn't have to be...

If they imitate U, who may live on the West Coast- who will either STOP EATING ANYTHING FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN OR JAPAN, or will be soon moving, cause U GET THIS!!!!


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