Thursday, May 12, 2011

When Healing from an injury, the Wounded Person cocoons him/herself into a Fetal, Supine Position so that the body's automatic systems can repair themselves without the danger of re-injuring that which is vulnerable to a GREATER WRENCHING, and then INFECTION, and then DEATH.

Mayhaps in another Era, a LOOOOONG TIME from Now, We, the Original Afrikans can work on Everybody Else's Feelings, with Healthy Attention, but not Exclusive Thought given to the maintenance of Self, because We will THEN have STRONG SYSTEMS that Automatically Maintain Our Best Interests and FREEDOMS - BUT? For NOW?

Just LOOK at the Throngs that Slap Us with easy INSULTS. My GOD, even We Blacks who LOVE being BLACK!!! And then the WORST who BOTH insult Us AND come to the RESCUE of the one who STABBED US in the FIRST PLACE!!!

This patient, with no doctor's diagnosis needed, is very, very, very ILL, and requires GENERATIONS OF BED REST with no Pale Visitors carrying 'gifts' (BRIBES), knives, 'helpful' medicines, or protestations of Eternal Love DESPITE the 'sad' difference in their pigmentation. This near CRIPPLED Triple Black patient needs PATIENCE, and the EXTRA CARE that ONLY comes from those for whom his recovery is ESSENTIAL.
C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L. Because he?

Is US.

~Ajali Shabazz~

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