Monday, May 23, 2011


Poison. One of the Europeans FAVORITE historical methods of murder, as the perpetrator can be long and safely gone when the tragic end occurs. Why, their royalty had official Food Tasters, all handsomely paid- as their lives where amongst the shortest within the court. On the average, as living within the Wilds of Europe were all around DANGEROUS for everybody.

But now so are Ours, ESPECIALLY if We eat their Poisoned FOOD. From processed products like any 'whitened food' or corporate kitchen confection, all nicely GMOed for the hapless consumer - it All KILLS on PURPOSE! Generational HABITS of Cowardly MURDER are IMPOSSIBLE for these UnCivilized Barbarians to Break! It is not CIVILIZED to commit GENOCIDE, with even Our Blessed Children DOOMED to DIE in a shorter time than those FOOD TASTERS!

So don't copy Europeans by hiring a Food Taster. That would be not only Expensive, Heartlessly Cruel, and Complicated with them dropping dead in your dining room or kitchen - it's completely UNNECESSARY.

Just stop EATING their Food.

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