Saturday, May 21, 2011


white people have ALWAYS BEEN BARBARIC to even THEMSELVES. Outside of the 'reasons' for this, exists the PROOF, that stands up all by itself. Cannibalism, which has been practiced by some Black and Brown People against OTHER PEOPLE, was practiced by them upon their own FAMILY MEMBERS. Sociopathic Greed that left whole communities deprived of their cottage industries, during the Kidnapped Afrikan financed rise of the so-called 'Industrial Revolution'? Well it left millions without income, starving in the streets of the major cities, and those disenfranchised peoples have been dismissed by white historians as, 'The Ludites'. A descriptive now used to portray someone resistant to the IMPROVEMENTS of PROGRESS. No connection is made between the starving masses, written about as merely 'lazy' and the parallel rise of the Robber Baron class.

Why they honed Torture and Torture Devices to a level that causes Physical Pain just to HEAR ABOUT the methods used. And it was business as USUAL in Europe for CENTURIES and is being promoted again in the United Snakes today. Even THOUGH it is patently UNRELIABLE . Why, whites in Europe, back in the good ol' days - they even HUNG CHILDREN for stealing as little as a RAG!

An Afrikan Man, who lived in the Motherland where there were no prisons, nor words for 'jail' or 'criminal', said to a Portuguese sailor upon hearing of the viciousness of white 'justice', "Do you hang people for putting their feet on the ground?"

And they have now localized that barbarity to Us and the Brown Peoples, with such a CHILLING INTENSITY, as they can convince their own, today, that 'We're all better now. See? You have a nice house and car. You've got 'stuff' [as this stuff is being increasingly taken away] Let's just kill these Blacks that scare Us ALL, huh? How 'bout it?!"

But let's calculate - worse come to worse (and this is IMPOSSIBLE, as there IS, unfortunately for them, a GOD who made US Black First Born in HIS IMAGE) - let's calculate that the Light Deflectors manage to kill off the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of Non-white People and are then alone amongst each other. Hot DANG, but I guaranTEE - that's when the REAL BRUTALITY will Begin -


And that is the reason why the common white person is being fed steady instructions to adopt or marry a Black or Brown Person. Why even Prime Minister Sarkoszy of France, publicly requested, in order to shore up white declining rate of birth, that his people marry outside their race. But the question is - are the ELITE white people doing that?


So, other than the psychic motivation (and there are many), if a large proportion of Light Deflectors go brown? It'll make the conscious of the Depraved Rich whites feel a lot less torn when they kill them ALL.

But that's their problem, hanging out on such a leaky boat, called 'Soullessness'. Ours has a different name and is headed in a very hard to navigate, but necessary direction. 



  1. You obviously never read Chancellor Williams. Within his book, "The Destruction of Black Civilization" he chronicles how YT people, and the Moors (who suffered from the Cancer of believing their enemies) hunted Pre-YT Controlled Alkebulans/Afrikans so mercilessly it led them to escape into regions of the continent in which they would NOT be followed. Those were your cannibals, who were MADE desperate, not ORIGINALLY in that state.

    And EYEWITNESS accounts from Europeeon Exploiters (you call them 'explorers') depict an Alkebulan devoid of the MASSIVE ENTRENCHED POVERTY that clogged the street and byways of Europe. Why to this day, they are finding the tiny skeletons of babies who were suffocated (or poisoned) by their starving mothers in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS because there was not enough FOOD. And the rich didn't give a DANG as they called them all THE UNWASHED MASSES.

    But? If you require physical evidence of the DEPRAVITY OF THE YT mAN, then look to the 2 LONGEST FORTIFICATIONS EVERY BUILT. Hadrian's Wall and The Great Wall of China. Erected to keep out not the People of the South, but the BARBARIANS OF THE NORTH. Like the Visigoths, who used to fight over the choicest part of the baby's charred FLESH. Their RUMP.

    I know. It is your NATURE to deny even the physical evidence. I expect nothing concrete from you, because you love your OWN enemy as so many of Us have been beguiled and convinced. But the best evidence today? Is the Chemtrails that circle the atmosphere above. WHO DOES THAT to even THEIR OWN?

    Answer: You.

    As the Beloved Dr. Henrik Clark said, I have discussions with my equals. All others I teach.

    I add? But YT people are UnTEACHABLE.

  2. It is a sad reality. White people canNOT tolerate the concept that there is something differently dangerous about them, like a Pit Bull is potentially very DIFFERENT from a Yorkie. Not a one will be intelligent enough on this piece to actually thwart the HISTORICAL FACTS. Instead, as is their NATURE?

    They will descend into profanity and childish taunts, thereby? Proving the point. They are UnTEACHABLE as they have no real wish to learn and prefer to remain with their own. And the Devil KILLS hIS OWN.

  3. Correction. Satan does worse than kill his own. He EATS them.
