Friday, May 27, 2011



What if Black whitey Lovin' You were so AMAZING that the WHOLE WORLD were overnight FILLED with BEAUTIFUL EXACT COPIES of YOU, in all your Agreeable to their Depravity ISH self. Guess what? Whitey would STILL DESPISE YOUR EXISTENCE, cause it's not ABOUT Us being 'uncivilized' as when they came to rape Us in Afrika, We were MORE civilized then THEM. Didn't matter then and it won't matter for special whitey's Best Friend You, cause their best friend, they confess - runs on 4 legs...

So, how can You be in Your RIGHT MIND liking and/or loving a people who will NEVER like and/or Love YOU nor those who LOOK JUST LIKE YOU - other than ONE at a time; maybe Many they'll 'try' to like - ONLY if one of You is REALLY FAMOUS; they will like You Collectively if You are Far, FAR, F-A-R AWAY & hopefully in JAIL A-N-D/or making them a LOT of MONEY (but they don't need You to be famous then, just living in Haiti or resource RICH Afrika); or their Secret Top FAVORITE - they just L-O-V-E You when you're DEAD.

And that last one they are so driven to achieve, they're happy to kill their 'own' to make it come true. Oh. And even happier to kill white fart LOVIN' and CLEARLY INSANE YOU. They have no real use for you as they already have a dog.

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