Friday, May 27, 2011


Exactly what Head Crumbly Cracker WANTED to have happen. He created an ELABORATE FARCE to encourage those who might have been QUESTIONING their own SORRY BEHAVIORS, and pushed them into believing that what is THE TIME - is just one more time to do EVERYTHING wrong.

So, I'mma be REAL HERE.  As in Our FATHER REAL. He said No ONE will know the exact date of the Final Judgement. No ONE. And yet this UNKNOWN but FULLY FUNDED with MILLIONS to SPARE and WASTE on a SATURATION PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN so-called 'religious' man comes OUT OF NOWHERE. Meaning - Harold Camping. Some completely UNKNOWN to the World Stage CHARLATAN who pays for posters in EVEN the BLACK COMMUNITIES, championing a cockamammie FARCE?!!! Now, YOU KNOW THEY ALWAYS IGNORE US when there's something they deem WORTH KEEPING TO THEMSELVES, so all of a SUDDEN, whitey CARES about OUR SOULS?

Well a HELL YEAH, he DOES!!! He cares about KEEPING THE MIGHTY BIRTH OF OUR SOULS INTO OUR FULL GOD SELVES in DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP SLUMBER!!!!! So he recruits some crusty old man, who probably can't remember where he left his right hand, to CAST DOUBTS into the minds of the WEAK so they will say, "Ah! That Armageddon is a lot of HOOEY. Lemme relax and try out this new GAY TREND!"

And SURE ENOUGH, May 21st came and WENT, and so did the certainty that millions of the concerned, who can't HELP but notice the COINCIDENCES - so did their burgeoning QUESTIONS about Satan's ISH; and thus the COLLECTIVE STRENGTH of Our RISE, went right out with the Baby GOD in the Purified Birthing Water.

But FATHER IS HERE, Beloveds. He said HE'S COMING and all His WARNINGS, which are EVERYWHERE, CONFIRM what cannot be DENIED. Daddy doesn't LIE. But Satan sure DOES. So he uses TRICKS to divert Us from Our DESTINY, cause, uh? He's the DEVIL, DUDE! That's the only TALENT he HAS!

Now. Where are You gonna place Your Faith? With a Proven Liar or with the Man who has been through WORSE than what You could ever DREAM of having been through. As He is Our FATHER, which MEANS - it is YOUR NATURE to become a CHIP OFF THE OL' ETERNAL UNIVERSE BUILDING BLOCK! But He can't SEE You, in all this LIGHTLESS DARK, to THUS hold out his hand to You and then PULL YOU UP and OUT of this Womb - he can't see You if Your own SOUL isn't filled with LIGHT. Hence the Black Skin and Blacker Hair. Hence the Black Skin and Blacker Hair. It absorbs more than just somerays, but your Spirit won't shine bright enough if it's covered in Filth.

So don't feel sorry for whitey. It ain't his time to come with Us. But he surely ain't sad enough NOT TO TRY AND STOP US! See, today is your Birthday, and You don't want this to be a STILLBIRTH. So MOVE AROUND. And definitely - MOVE ON UP!

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