Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE - especially in you...

The BEDROCK FUNDAMENTAL of all Health Regimens is WATER!!!! All molecular functions happen in this fluidic facilitator. In sufficient quantities, it promotes HEALING which all the supplementation and stellar food consumption in the World can NEVER accomplish ALONE. 

Drink as close to a gallon a day as POSSIBLE. And although foods or juices CONTAIN water and that's good? Cut out the middleman that causes oxidative stress, which is the origin of the aging process - since if your body has to metabolize the excess particles mixed with the H2O? It's going to S-L-O-W the absorption rate of this vital liquid. That's why of recommended Fasts? A water fast has been proven to balance the body's system the BEST of ALL. 

Whenever You feel hungry? Have an 8oz glass of water FIRST. Wait 20 minutes, at least, and if those hunger pangs return? You truly ARE hungry; as sometimes, especially in a temperate climate, a hunger pang can be a sign of thirst. Our bodies where fashioned to THRIVE in AFRIKA, not these cold, sunlacking environments of the northern  and deep southern hemispheres. Thus Our bodies haven't adapted to adequately signaling Us when We need to imbibe the GREATEST MEDICINE on the planet.

And it's Free. WooHoo! That's better than a 2 for 1 deal at the shoe store. You Pay Absolutely Nothing and THRIVE!!! Time to make room in the shoe rack for all those bottles of HEAVEN. But, Uh? Filtered and Non Fluoridated Heaven, please.

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