Thursday, May 26, 2011



Hee! My 'Not at ALL' f-i-e-n-d-i-s-h plot to LOVE my KING with WARMTH, RESPECT, and FIERCE WARRIORESS SOLIDARITY for Our MUTUAL BLISS - it's paying OFF!
He, who like many Men is not given to overflowing words, just said, "Thank You, Queen, for being the BEST." I know from him, that was TREMENDOUS.
(^^) Titter... titter! And ANOTHER Black GOD moves c-l-o-s-e-r to his NATURAL HOME with ME right along for the ride as for this Queen he is also THE BEST! But huuuuush! DON'T TELL HIM that that's what I fully INTENDED to DO and why I WAITED SO LONG, saying NO to all others too resistant to HEAVEN, till I found just the ONE who would E-A-S-I-L-Y FALL - up (and not 'for' or 'down' as We are meant to RISE)....

And he has fallen UP for my DIVINELY CONCEIVED AND IMPLEMENTED PLAN, for as I Desired, is as I did and DO.

ssssssssh!!! Or I may SMITE You! See, I'm a LOT more POWERFUL now...

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