Friday, May 20, 2011


Yo. Beloveds. The Profanity is OUT OF CONTROL. Even from Me, these past couple days. Well. It's all that ISH the Devil's been up to. It sure can compel a Soul to want to SMITE a few evildoers (Do-EVIL-ers. Devils) so they can finally leave Us all the HEAVEN ALONE.

Dang. And that's why We, Baby Gods CUSS. Cause We have not the ability to CURSE away Our Torturers - Yet. We instead let go a furious Burst of laughable rage that has no effect other than to highlight the powerlessness of Our state, when Our state is to give Us the necessary LEARNING REQUIRED in order to finally DEVELOP all that is NEEDED to send Hell back to, ... uh... HELL - by MEANING OUR CURSES and not just SPEAKING THEM.

We must DO THEM. If You don't like the Devil and his ISH? Don't cuss. Don't waste Your GODmind potential on an empty word that feeeeeeeels like You just did something and then helps You continue doing NOTHING. If You hate WRONG DOING and the King of Wrongdoers? Then don't FOLLOW Satan's INSTRUCTIONS!!!! That means don't cuss at Your family members (and that includes ALL YOUR HUE-MAN FAMILY - ya HEAR?), even if they DESERVE IT. You'll only think You let off steam, when that righteous anger should be PROPELLING YOU FOWARD at OUT of HARM'S WAY. Peace, Beloved is for REAL and not a myth. Using profanity smears your environment so much? You don't realize that You are meant for BLISS, not Chaos. Don't let cussin' create an atmosphere for Yourself or Your family that says YOU HAVE NO REAL POWER, so all You can do is?

Have a Useless Verbal Hissy Fit that is now outside at all times of day and night, in the hair salons, on the playgrounds, the buses, the hallways, all while You cuss IN FRONT OF THE BABIES!!! If You know better than to throw profanity in front of Your religious guide, or in a house of worship, then You must know - cussin' is all fake smoke, that feeeeels like fire. But it sure will never roast any marshmallows, as it's...

All boast with no bite. You don't wanna ACT BIG AND BAD.

You wanna BE. Cause the babies are WATCHIN' and LEARNING from YOU how to grow truly STRONG. And thus, whose example are YOU following? If it's the Original FATHER?

He don't need to cuss. But He sure packs a MEAN DIVINE RETRIBUTION. That's a lot BIGGER than an 'about nuthin much' four or five letter little word and We need to Practice sum of THAT!

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