Friday, May 13, 2011


This Strategy that We Black People have of seeking white Approval in order that they will FINALLY 'realize' We don't DESERVE their low opinion, is an ILLUSION attached to the HOPE that Our Tormentors will CEASE committing HORRORS upon Our Persons.... one day, when they Realize their Awful MISTAKE. But, the Light Deflectors have ALWAYS KNOWN how MIGHTY WE ARE from the inception of this Beast of a Nation and BEFORE.

The Moors (which means BLACK) were ALL OVER EUROPE. No wonder the Trans Atlantic Kidnapping Theft began shortly AFTER the Spanish pushed the Moors back to their homeland with HEARTLESS BRUTALITY. And before THAT, the Greek historian, Herodotus acknowledged that all things Greek came from BLACK 'Egypt' (as only they did not call it Kemet). So OF COURSE in 1798, with 2 royal EYEWITNESSES, Napoleon SHOT OFF THE DISTINCTLY AFRIKAN NOSE of The Great Sphinx. Search the web and see how whites LIE BOLDLY to this DAY, trying desperately to DENY IT, but since when could those pale ones handle building anything so MONUMENTAL in the BLAZING AFRIKAN SUN?

Then to have the AUDACITY to place Afrikan symbols (for Kemet was AFRIKAN) all OVER Europe and U.S. centers and organizations of Power? The only People who they have convinced that We are Stupid is Us, and the Poor White Zombies who read Vogue magazine and actually DO as they are told for that season! Good Zombie. Good Zombie.

Why, the occurrence of BEYOND White Brilliance TRIPLE BLACK MALE GENIUS is so CONSISTENTLY a REALITY, even here, under TORTURE, that Our Historic Enemy could NOT have FAILED to NOTICE, by NOW. For neither he nor We are that Idiotic. HA! I could easily roll out such a list of BETTER than their White Peers, Black Scientists, Mathematicians and BUSINESSMEN, that it would make this comment too long for anyone to bother reading.

Hence, they don't hate Us because they misguidedly think We are Stupid. They hate Us because they very GUIDEDLY KNOW that We are AMAZING. EACH ONE OF US. They just make CERTAIN that WE are the ones who continue to DOUBT OURSELVES and then NEVER EVEN ATTEMPT TO SOAR!

Benjamin Banneker. Not only did he build the First Precisely working Clock in the U.S.? He also wrote, entirely himself, doing ALL the mathematical calculations, an almanac that sold in the colonies MORE than ANY OTHER BOOK published. Except THE BIBLE. Yeah. Franklin had his little almanac, but Banneker's BLEW HIS AWAY! As did ALL LITERATURE WRITTEN BY US! They taut 'Moby Dick' as a classic? BUT BOOKS WRITTEN BY KIDNAPPED AFRIKANS FAR OUTSTRIPPED WHATEVER PENNIES Herman Meville got for his washed up tome.

Yup. They've ALWAYS KNOW WHO WE ARE. Just check your dollar bill. They know so WELL? They are L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y trying to Trick GOD into believing that they are US. Cain and Abel, all over again. So the BETTER We DO? Not the more they will 'like' Us, but the more reason for them to listen to their MOST FAVORITE GUIDE of all.......

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