Thursday, May 19, 2011


Cancer is always contained to the individual affected body. But?

'w'hiteness is the FIRST C-O-N-T-A-G-I-O-U-S CANCER to operate outside the structural limitations of its Legendarily Rapacious Cousins.

white people, like Standard Cancer (SC), act without thought to the all around annihilating outcome that their actions bring about. It is their and SC's GENETIC SIMILARITY to the host that PROTECTS them from Detection by the body's Main Defense Systems.  Through seeking to destroy any potential rival, even a mutually beneficial one, SC and white people kill everything surrounding themselves and thus inevitably - themselves. And given that We, Black People are the Persons most unlike this Death that resembles and emanates from Us, and that We could thus alert the rest of the Body of Humanity, as We can RECOGNIZE their STRANGENESS within that body - more accurately than others? It deliberately seeks to feed on Us, primarily and most particularly of all.

But beyond common diseases, which require TOUCH to gain a foothold; and SC, which is contained within the being it consumes, whiteness requires no more of an entry point than mere THOUGHT, alone. Through a centuries long strategic development of a Need to Perpetuate Itself, it uses Entry Vehicles, (i.e. Lies, Projectile Weapons, Divide and Conquer strategies, Bribes) that encourage a DESIRE for the IDEA of 'whiteness', that PREYS on the Immune Compromised MIND of the target. The victim naively and often makes a deadly assumption that this visitor is just like himself. Thus as a Camouflaged Predator who consumes his victim without contact but with the same kinds of enticing Eye Appealing Temptations, white people devour Our Minds from the INSIDE OUT. They LURE the target with a promise of material, intellectual and/or spiritual improvement that this Infectious Cancer not only has no intention of delivering, but can never offer to even itself - as the measure of true superiority is proven by LONGTERM SUCCESS and not CRITICAL FAILURE. Contagious Cancer brings the promise of Life when it delivers only Death. For when all Cancers consumes the host, it also consumes its only Home.  In the same contained process, SC will hijack the blood supply, a simpler form of the life sustaining INTELLECTUAL BLOOD SUPPLY OF GROUP COHESION, leaving nothing for the other 'functioning for the continuation of the larger body' cells to nourish upon. The SC and the CC (Contagious Cancer) operate at a primitive state that has no ability to PLAN AHEAD and form Communicative Coalitions between differentiated cellular groups for COLLECTIVE BETTERMENT and SHARED TRIUMPH. Something Our Afrikan Ancestors, sailing to all points of the globe, managed with ease for centuries and centuries BEFORE white people ever left the shores of poverty riddled Europe.

And No Cancerous Cell has EVER CURED ITSELF. Thus to expect white people to recognize their own Completely Annihilating Nature goes against every LAW OF NATURE.
To feel drawn to whiteness, by the MIND/Blood Draining Enticements their replication directive contaminates the body of Hue-manity with, is to become INSTANTANEOUSLY INFECTED, without EVER making any substantial Direct CONNECTION. The apparently distant act of watching a television program is all the mental contact required. The victim can then become corrupted with Self-Loathing, Doubt, and all the other debilitations brought on by preferring white 'ISH' over SELF. These few Cancerous Lone Scouts, from which We all suffer to different degrees, can be easily remedied through Natural and DELIBERATE corrections, such as Re-inforcing the Black Pride Immune System. But for a growing population, as this is a LETHALLY CONTAGIOUS AFFLICTION, their Lone Scouts, unaddressed can turn into Tumors of Self Hate that Metastasize into System Wide Termination that not only destroys the victim's Blackness but then spreads his/her unchecked infection to all of those who surround (i.e. put downs of other Blacks for behaviors directly attributable to the pathology of the CC Contagion, and finally a wholescale abandonment of anyone who resembles the host, thus ensuring the Death of their Blackness). All this culminating by leaving the Black Group Body vulnerable to the inevitable GENOCIDE that is a culminating symptom of trusting Contagious Cancer, on a systematic level. Even if that genocide is carried out by those who look like Us in skin hue only. In their minds they are Pathologically Polluted.

The Cure? Well, without acknowledging the Threat, there can be no Cure, because like all the Ancestors of those wiped Out by this very REAL MALIGNANCY, to assume the source is benign is to risk infection. The Antidote thus is VIGILANT AWARENESS and CEASELESS DEFENSE. Like the Japanese once wisely closed their doors to the West, and THRIVED until they mistakenly opened those doors once again, and have been thusly, maybe, wiped out by a Tsunami of Infection (pun markedly intended) - as they once did and would be wise to re-enact? We Black Persons, suffering under a Severely Weakened Collective Body due to continuous contact with the infectious agent, to heal? We must RE-BUILD by RE-PRODUCING a FAITH in OUR RIGHT to be DISTINCTIVE to OURSELVES. As Dr. John Henrik Clarke advised, We must shut access to all Our Systems, and not just the borders of Afrika, but most STRATEGICALLY, We must shut off from further infection,

The Boundaries of Our Minds.

And then, STRENGTHEN and HEAL until We can KICK BUTT many generations from now. Even if that means ignoring white people for all time. Cancer and Contagion need some kind of connection with a host, even if only Psychic, in order to complete a trajectory of Absolute Destruction.

Defend Your MIND and DEFEAT Contagious white Cancer before it completes its only reason for existence. The destruction of all of existence.


  1. Thats a big issue for some because we have fam that are white! I agree but I got some fam mainly extended tho! lmao! I love this and I honestly agree completely minus savin a few. just for the info...... Do you think we can save a few, let them mix with us and the newer generations be Black since we are dominant period?

  2. I do sympathize thatzmymoney. That makes it more difficult to contain the infection when they are your family members. But still, you must on a psychic level arm your defenses even MORE forcefully through EDUCATING yourself. In this way, when those members promote ISH in even a casual fashion? You need not fight them, but your mind is PREPARED to reject the ludicrousness of what they say. Such as "America is a Great Country." "This is a Democracy."

    When you have an effective, let's say, 'prophylactical' INNER shield? Your dedication to surmounting the Cancer that is EATING not only We Black People but the entire PLANET is SAVED.

    As for saving a few? All things are possible, and in several thousand more lifetimes, white folks will all be saved also. But for now, they are TOOOOOOOO FLATTERED by the CANCER that is them to recognize that it IS just THEM. That would require them to DO SOMETHING. And historically? Europeans have NEVER REBELLED against their own power structure until they entered ALKEBULAN and developed the cancerous strategem of Oppressing their BETTERS, rather than LEARNING from them. So you can never 'expect' a complete remission from them as their similar appearance to the contagion, physically, leaves them CRIPPLED in the face of the HIGHLY CONVINCING Transimitting Vehicles that the white Contagious Cancer emits nonstop.

  3. I wrote that quickly, so the logic is a bit choppy. If you need I'll explain it more carefully.


  4. peace and blessings Queen! That is very clear to me im jus stuck when it comes to some of the folks that are non black simply because many of them are ginuine I know some and have fam that proves it. again thank you and blessings!

  5. It is more than POSSIBLE to rid oneself of the infection. But that Person must be very, very STRONG and very, very BLESSED to have been GUIDED to that strength.

