Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Uh, OH! You know that moment Brothers when trying as You might, You have a sinking realization that You've chosen BADLY? And so to avoid this feeling, You avoid RELATIONSHIPS, and thus avoid the healing that a Secure Marriage that produces HEALED UP CHILDREN who know their Blackness will provide for Our right now, Crippled Nation?

Well, it may not be the fault of the Queens, at least DIRECTLY. It may be that MACK DADDY in YOU, which knows You can talk a-n-y o-l-d Woman into Your arms. That mindset, Beloved? Ain't workin' for You in the longrun, cause?

A lot of Queens, (and ALLAH BLESS THEM, as I am ONE) - a lot of Queens can't STAND the possibility of a life lived single for an extended tiiiiiiiiime. So there You go being Ric O' Sauve on a Womb-man who would fall for You NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAID, just about. And there You are with a Sister who secretly?

Doesn't even like You.

And You can sense it, after the Heated Glow has faded, after You WAY TOO QUICKLY have jumped into the hay with her - there You go wanting to do the right thing by treating a Black Goddess with the respect that she is due - and Yet, she?

Doesn't even like You.

And You are frustrated, ANGRY that You gave her Your ALL (but not Your Clear FARSIGHTED PERCEPTION at the start) - frustrated because now You're trying to work it out with a Woman who's crabby, catty, castrating and contemptuous. And You wonder what's the matter with HER? Must be, You thus conclude, something WRONG with ALL BLACK WOMEN.

Nah, King. There's nothing wrong with either Black Sex. There is something wrong with following a culture that teaches both Men and Women achieving the temporary high that comes from fast sex is also a time where either one of You can be a good JUDGE of CHARACTER. And that You, Beloved Black Man should be complimented by Your ability to trick a Woman out of her drawers when all You done is trick Yourself out of stepping Up into Heaven.

Cause You now know firsthand, You never get 'used' to the Heat of Hell.

Keep it in Your pants, King, until You get a bit more INFORMED...

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