Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So what if Brother Malcolm changed to become an 'intergrationist' in his final days, as white people and their Black Supporters love to portray him. Though that he did, is highly dubious.


What if?

Well, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE when Our current reality where lynching today only robs Our Sons' killers of a little bit of extended sadomasochistic Playtime, since they have to get the torture and murder overa little more quickly? Is that freedom?

What difference has there been when Our communities are still strangled off from this 'equality' they told Us about, these decades later? Some tell Us, well We are killing OURSELVES in Our neighborhoods, and so, YEAH? Only after a documented campaign by COINTELPRO (they ship in drugs) and COMCAST (remember what Hip Hop USED to be?) and the POLICE DEPT and a LYING SCHOOL SYSTEM and HOLLYWEIRD exacerbate any and ALL Our Weaknesses.

What DIFFERENCE does it make, should Malcolm have become an Integrationist when Our Foe is so desperate to kill Us he is poisoning the food with GMOs, spraying Chemtrails above and he injects even his own with vaccines scientifically proven by their own scientists to do nothing against the contagion, but everything to destroy Our Children's bodies, from their Autism-izeds mind to all that matters with a lifetime of a weakened body. Perhaps that is the underlying cause for the statistics that DOOM them to DIE before their PARENTS' life expectancy.

What difference would Brother el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz see in an unemployment rate, an incarceration rate, a complete hopelessness rate as the white power structure, run SOLELY by white people, won't even arrest the COLD BLOODED MURDERER OF A LITTLE BOY? GOOOOOD LAWD!!!!!! What would Malcolm see but that all this remains the SAME as when he was still alive?

Nah. He could not possibly support this outcome which integration has brought, when in jarring contrast, left to Our own rule, historically? We always do EXCEPTIONALLY. Look it up. Black Tulsa, Rosewood and, yeah. Ancient Kemet. All Black. All Healing for Us.

Then ask yourself, even if Brother Malcolm had wanted Us NO MATTER WHAT white people do, to live together with the them always in charge? Who would be right today in the TRUE solution to Our ongoing, NEVER CEASING dilemma of Our Black Life in a Strange Land with a Strange people?

The Student? Or if you study his words, the student's TEACHER...?

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