Saturday, March 10, 2012


Can't wonder this on Facebook, but?

If the white population wasn't created by Us, or artificially bred like one breeds a species into different varieties for various traits, from physical to temperment preferences, and all by someONE, even if that wasn't Black Us? If they were generated by natural circumstances (which is patentedly impossible in the short time frame in which they appeared on the planet) - then?

To have withstood natural obstacles that killed off a mass population of Black People, without artifice or plan in a mere 12,000 year span - and then for those obstacles to have thus produced a STRONGER people in the European?

Why are they then, DYING OFF AS A RACE, TODAY? Ain't nobody attacking England. And I'm sure there are still more white people in Europe than Black and Brown. They MOSTLY are mating with their own, free to do as they always have done.

Why are their numbers shrinking if they are a natural consequence of being STRONG?

Okay. Just wondering. 

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