Monday, March 12, 2012


You may or may not have heard the splat of this latest diuretic turd thrown at the proverbial fan. The question is, will it stick to You?

Well, I'm definitely turd free, at least today, of the hot rumor that Barack Obama is the 'Love Child' of the Venerable Beloved Brother Malik Shabazz, cause I can chew gum and think at the same time, all while I'm walking straight on to the TRUTH. So?

GETTHE... OUTTA HERE! Guess Old Used to Control Millions EASILY, but now will have to kill Us by the millions YT man couldn't get that other rumor to stick. Remember that one, which only lonely, confused faggots cling to out of desperation? The one where Brother Malcolm was reported to be GAY, in that Black Man with lots of DEBTS book called, 'The Re-invention of Malcolm X', by Manning Marable? Respect to Brother Manning, as he began his career as a FIERCE fighter, but who knows what happens to aging Black Activists when no one's paying attention and the electricity bill is due? That burst rumor Couldn't get further than the desperately lost who already believe the European Insanity that they were just 'BORN' that way. The rest of moderately still Sane Black Us?

Weren't buying and shouldn't be buying this latest one, either.

See, there's a distinct PROBLEMO with any rumor that benefits the Light Deflectors. You can tell, instantly, with analysis that, um?

It BENEFITS THE LIGHT DEFLECTORS, whilst leaving a trail of their bread crumb Boulders that prove they are lying right behind. 

For one?

Have you gotten a look at Malcolm X's REAL CHILDREN, from a Deep Black BEAUTY, who (Ase) went by the name of Sister Betty? Our Brother Malik was already RED, and his Children ALL came out as brown as BARRY... or is it 'Barry, or 'Bari' or whatever concocted, YT man owns the documents and thus can forge ANYTHING HE WANTS, whatever Obama is called - how could Malcolm have EVA produced a person as Brown as Obama with a pale Cavewoman? It ain't HAPPENIN', Beloved. And with absolutely NO CHANGE in the dimensions of the nose, lips or face, as if Obama spontaneously popped out of Our Brother without the need of a woman's womb. And a white one at THAT! Nah. When YT and Black get together, especially red boned Black and YT, it ALWAYS results in a Child about to disappear into the ranks of Octoroonhood and usually FOREVER.

This is photoshop trickery without using the program. YT really thinks We're this STUPID. And sadly, sometimes We are.

Then, not to mention, but I will, the FBI and the CIA followed MALCOLM'S EVERY MOVE, as they did with Brother Martin's. Now MLK, definitely was dabbling aplenty as the FBI was HAPPY to inform his wife and Our Sister, Coretta Scott. They couldn't STOP themselves with such juicy tidbits, and yet? We are expected to believe that they let this JUICY MORE EFFECTIVE THAN A BULLET INFORMATION slip out of their slimy blood soaked fingers? Can You iiiiiiiiiiimagine the JOY they would have as they made even Our Black Babies cry looking at furtive pictures of Malcolm X in a dark cafe tryst with a member of Our Enemy's legion?

Oh, COME ON!!!

Geez. Assassinating Malcolm X once has not proven effective enough, as Black Us keep his Heartbeat DRUMMING in Our continuous sharing of his p-o-w-e-r-f-u-l call to step closer to the LIGHT in his speeches, words, in his UNDENIABLE LOVE for Our TRIPLE BLACKNESS. And then they can also kill the growing wake-up We are all experiencing to the HORROR of Barack Obama's presidency by making Us feel guilty for revealing the TRUTH about President Barack's term as a Legalized Tyrant, cause?

He's Beloved Malcolm's son.


Nah. If You've gotta buy something, please purchase the Brooklyn Bridge as You have a better chance of claiming ownership over that than this slippery, yet ONE MORE, STINKY TURD of a lie that hopefully will drip down to where all the others now have piled up together on the floor. YT man keeps throwin' 'em, but We keep getting STRONGER immunity, staying clean, cause once You know who the Devil is?

You can turn off the fan as it's never overheated on the outside of Hell.

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