Friday, December 9, 2011

This is a satellite image of the Great Wall of China, taken from OUTER SPACE. Which brings me to a statement made by a WONDERFUL QUEEN -

"Imperialists come in all colors." She was commenting about the current Chinese Oppression in Afrika, to which I responded -

There are differences as it would take too much time to prove. The worst of the perpetrators of brutality against their neighbors comes from the Northern Barbarians which is most quickly proven by the physical evidence as seen from outer space. The Great Wall of China. It was placed to the North, not the South. And then, though now gone, but the shadow evidence is still there, Ancient Rome's Hadrian's Wall. Built in the North, not the South.

Obviously, if they had wanted? Both of these empires had more than enough resources to construct similar protective barriers, if it had been needed, to keep out those EQUALLY BARBARIC AFRIKANS. But? They didn't because We were not a threat or a danger. Civilization and Civilizing Wisdom came from South to North, decreasing the further from Afrika one went.

My point being that there are gradations of brutality based on both genetics, epigenetics and proximity and length of contamination that occurs when one is exposed to the cancerous infection of barbarity. Asians have it BAD as they are genetically inbetween Us and YTs, plus? GEOGRAPHICALLY they were and are also. When a Brown Person is exposed to the CONTAGIOUS MYTH that YT is BETTER and Black is WORSE?

Even among some of US? They will commit ANY DEPRAVITY to prove they are not BLACK. That's how they got Obama all screwed up in the head. That and a bunch of other horrors best not mentioned. Just don't vote for him. Vote for Ron Paul, as he is the best choice of this losing system.

So, no and yes, Queen. The Chinese have committed HORRORS against their own and other Asians, along with other Asians committing VICIOUS ATROCITIES against themselves and the Chinese, but only ONE pEOPLE have trampled the ENTIRE PLANET UNINVITED and NEVER GONE HOME, instead handing the profit of the crime on to their children, telling everybody else to 'Get Over It, it's OURS now!'

And that ain't  Black Us.

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