Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Some People have this notion that Good doesn't exist without Evil. Implying that Good neeeeeds Evil so You'll be Greatful for the RELIEF of Allah's Bounty.

I say? WHAT A CROCK OF RIDICULOUSNESS. Do You need a Good Friend to Punch Your Lights OUT so You'll be extra glad when he's NICE? Are Children raised by Mildly Psychotic Parents experiencing a Better Chidlhood? Should a wife stay with an abusive husband because he's just like God?

Oh HECK NO!!! The Almighty is ALL MIGHTY. Satan is NOT Our Father's PARTNER, and if You go closer up the ONLY WAY? You'll be giving that Rotten Useless Meanie the FINAL BOOT for Allah HEALS ALL WOUNDS. We just had to figure out the right direction and never look back...

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