Friday, December 9, 2011

This Beautiful photo isn't a picture of me and/or my King, but it reminds me of us; because it's a Soaring JOY that although here in our home I am a Loving, Dutiful Black Queen/Wife and Mother (even baking completely Healthy Organic Bread with ingredients I know about and CLEAN HANDS) - with all that? I was, like most of Us, raised in a culture which has successfully d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-d the Home by destroying the Sisters' PRIDE in the  PRECIOUS VALUE of Raising Our Nation.

So, I'm not perfect at this homemaker gig, having spent my first decades bamboozled into focusing on trivial pursuits. But I INSIST on doing the best I can, and I THANK THE LORD I have a King who understands and is P-A-T-I-E-N-T with still improving me (like when I accidentally bleached all his black T-shirts - OMG was he upset, but FORGIVING!!!). Thus, in turn?

I am the SAME with his remnants of The Willie Lynched Syndrome. However, for me, if I was a nagging, materialistic Tramp - or for HIM? If he were a verbally, physically ABUSIVE WOMANIZER?

We'd each be very patient with one another from a safely FAR Distance.

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