Friday, December 9, 2011


I've said it before, and I will say it again, that if EVERY YT person were 'NICE'? It still wouldn't make Black US white. So with them very Woefully understanding the reason for the existence of 47 Independent Caucasian Countries in Europe, now attached to a deep regret brought about by their Comedy of a United Europe; and with the United Snakkkes ALSO an Utter FAILURE as a Cohesive Nation, meaning that white joined up with too many whites can't get along either? Even if every European here and there was a regular 'Santa Claus'?

It's NOT RACIST to decide We Black People DON'T WANT to live with tHEM; And it ain't 'nice' if they tell Us that We M-U-S-T, when it's their TREACHERY THAT BROUGHT THIS MODERN SLAVESHIP WRECK OF OUR DIASPORIC ABANDONMENT, in The WILDERNESS OF NORTH AMERIKKA, ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE. How can it EVER be racist to ask such 'nice' YT people to ADMIT We will NEVER be tHEM (as they would AGREE), and then to APOLOGIZE in whatever way HEALS ALL THE WOUNDS FOREVER - THE WRONGS THEY HAVE DONE - and continue to commit WRONGLY, by ignoring the VITAL NEED TO SAY, "I'm Sorry" in a Concrete Reparation of LAND that COUNTS?

Why, saaaaaay! That ain't very '____' of them, is it? But Good Luck finding one who'll 'fess up.

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