Thursday, December 22, 2011



Doctor-Caused Disease
By Monte Kline

"One of the most common causes of disease (if not the most common cause) is conventional medical doctors! Sad, but too often true. The medical term coined to describe this problem is iatrogenic disease, from the Greek "iatros" meaning physician and "genesis" meaning origin. Thus we have doctor-caused disease. 

Specifically, iatrogenic disease is defined as:
Any adverse reaction, either major or minor, to a medical or surgical treatment.

The late Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., while Chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois and Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health at the University of Illinois School of Medicine, wrote:

. . . the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine. I believe that Modern Medicine's treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they're often more dangerous than the diseases they're designed to treat . . . I believe that more than 90% of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth-doctors, hospital, drugs, and equipment-and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial.


Whenever medical doctors go on strike, a most interesting phenomenon occurs - death rates go down! In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia medical doctors went on strike for 52 days, with only emergency care available. The death rate dropped by 35%. In 1976 in Los Angeles County a similar doctors' strike resulted in an 18% drop in mortality. As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% decrease in mortality occurred in Israel in 1973 when there was a one month doctor's strike!


Since the early 1980's we've heard a lot about the impact of "managed care" and health care cutbacks. Medical doctors and political liberals are screaming that people are dying for lack of services. Actually, just the opposite is true. Since the "downsizing" of conventional medical services in the 1980's, life expectancy has made a massive jump both in the U. S. and Canada. No drug therapy and surgical technique can be shown to have statistically increased the general life expectancy. No generation has had its life expectancy increased significantly since medical doctors began using chemical treatments. Researchers John and Sonja McKinlay found that medical intervention only accounted for 1 - 3.5% of the increase in the average lifespan in the U. S. since 1900.


Alternative cancer treatment authority, Dr. Ralph Moss, notes that a 1999 article in The Journal of The American Medical Association stated that prescription drugs kill over 100,000 people per year in U. S. hospitals. The F.D.A. noted that back in 1978 1.5 million Americans were hospitalized as a result of taking medical drugs. One in seven hospital beds is taken up by patients suffering from adverse drug reactions. The General Accounting Office stated that 51.5% of all drugs introduced between 1976 and 1985 had to be relabelled because of serious adverse reactions found after the marketing of these drugs - reactions like heart, liver or kidney failure, birth defects, blood disorders, respiratory arrest, seizures, and blindness.


Most people are not aware that drugs companies spend thousands of dollars per year on each medical doctor "selling" them on using their particular products. Drug companies hire "detail men" to visit physicians' offices and give them drug samples. These salesmen, who are not doctors and have no medical or pharmacological training, tell your medical doctor what drugs to use for what problems. Drug companies start this process early by offering medical students gifts, free trips to "conferences," and free "educational material," which translated means propaganda on that drug company's products. In Australia drug companies spend an average of $10,000 per year per physician marketing their products. The result of all of this is a massive overprescribing of drugs.

The drug companies don't stop with just practicing M.D.s, though, but also direct major dollars toward hospitals, medical schools and supposedly "independent" research institutes. Medical schools, for example, are given grants for clinical trials, pharmaceutical research, or even buildings. These companies have sought to gain massive influence over medical teaching institutions by spreading their money around. Dr. Alan Levin, Adjunct Associate Professor of Immunology and Dermatology at the University of California states:

Pharmaceutical companies, by enlisting the aid of influential academic physicians, have gained control of the practice of medicine in the United States. They now set the standards of practice by hiring investigators to perform studies which establish the efficacy of their products or impugn that of their competitors. . .


Hospitals are a hotbed of iatrogenic disease. Every year two million people are admitted to hospitals with one health problem and end up with another health problem! According to Dr. Mendelsohn these doctor-caused illnesses kill as many as 20,000 people annually. A study in the Southern Medical Journal reported that one in five patients admitted to a university hospital acquires an iatrogenic disease, and one in thirty of these lead to death. Of these iatrogenic deaths, half are complications of drug therapy and 10% result from improper diagnostic procedures.
Another study of 815 consecutive patients in a university hospital over an eight month period found that 36% had a disease caused by their doctor - in 2% of the cases the iatrogenic disease was believed to be a cause of the patient's death.

If you project that figure out, assuming 2% of all hospital patients die from an iatrogenic disease, you get 700,000 hospital/doctor-caused deaths per year - one third of all deaths!


In the 1840's Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis directed a teaching hospital in Vienna, where 75% of the women giving birth were dying of puerperal fever. He observed that doctors went from dissecting cadavers to delivering babies without washing their hands. Dr. Semmelweis made the "radical" policy change of requiring doctors to wash their hands before delivery a baby. An amazing thing happened - the mortality rate drop fifteen-fold. Unfortunately, his arrogant colleagues couldn't see the connection, so they dismissed him and ostracized him. The rejection ultimately drove Semmelweis to death in an insane asylum - another great moment in the history of iatrogenic disease.

But doctors are enlightened nowadays about sanitation, aren't they? A 1981 study of washing habits in intensive care units found that only 28% of the doctors washed between patients in a teaching hospital and only 14% washed in the private hospital! Dr. Mendelsohn noted:

. . . the sanitary practices of the medical personnel are often abominable and the hospital itself is probably the most germ-laden facility in town.

Your chances of getting an infection in the hospital are one in 20 with 15,000 people dying annually from hospital-acquired infections.


Dr. Arthur Mannix, Jr. declared in an article in the New York State Journal of Medicine:

Errors in judgment or technique concerning either the anesthesia or the surgery, or a combination of the two, contribute to close to 50% of the deaths in the operating room.

I think what that translates to is that disease is only responsible for 50% of the deaths on the operating table, while doctors are responsible for the other 50% of deaths.
The McCarthy-Widmer study in the New England Journal of Medicine noted the following:

1. 20% of all surgery is unnecessary.
2. This unnecessary surgery costs consumers over $3 billion per year.
3. There are 2.4 million unnecessary operations annually.
4. This unnecessary surgery results in 12,000 unnecessary deaths each year.

Another study showed that when a second specialist was consulted, 18% of the time he disagreed with doing the surgery.
Hysterectomies are the most common operation today with nearly one million done per year. In six New York hospitals 43% of their hysterectomies were found on review to have been unjustified. Women with abnormal bleeding from the uterus or heavy menstrual blood flow were given the operation though other treatments or none at all would probably have worked as well.


"Doctors in general should be treated with about the same degree of trust as used car salesmen."
- Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

1. Caveat emptor - "Let the buyer beware." Don't assume your doctor knows everything, or that he or she necessarily knows what's best for you. Use your doctor like your lawyer or CPA - someone to give you counsel with you making the final decision.

2. Don't panic with sickness - Sickness is an opportunity to learn about your body's needs and to seek God's direction. Remember the story of King Asa in the Old Testament who died because he only sought the physicians instead of first seeking the Lord for his illness (II Chron. 16:12).

3. Avoid treating symptoms - There would be little iatrogenic disease if people were not so intent on treating symptoms. Instead you must get down to root causes, which usually means lifesytle change.

4. Don't "quick fix" pain - Get over the idea that pain is something that has to be immediately eliminated at any cost. That view encourages a lot of symptom treatment and resulting drug iatrogenesis. Pain is a warning that something's wrong. Again, seek to fix the underlying cause and that will fix the pain.

5. Seek appropriate health care services - The old saying says: Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. Don't expect anything but a prescription drug for symptoms when you go to a medical doctor. If you want to deal with underlying causes, go to the appropriate natural medicine doctor. Of course, if you have an emergency situation or some type of acute problem, conventional medicine is best equipped to deal with that.

6. Stimulate natural healing, don't sabotage it - Symptom treatments, like the frequent use of antibiotics, destroy your natural immunity, and thus open the door for more iatrogenic problems. Focus on detoxifying, correcting nutrient deficiencies, allergic desensitizing, and exercise to free up your body to heal itself."

Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I don't have a designer brand to my name. But I have designer food, nutrition and exercise. Why I Gucci and Prada and Versace it up with Organic Vegan Elan, that would make the richest Woman and woman look like a Genetically Prone Frump.

So if You see me walking outside wearing the fashions, not even from last season, but from the local thrift store (and don't I look GoooOOOooOOOoooOOoD for 20 dollars!!!) - save Your Shallow Critique, cause on the Inside, WHERE IT COUNTS, I have what all the money in the World can't buy. The Intelligent Dedication to buy Designer Health from the Number One BEST DESIGNER in EXISTENCE.

And That Creator NEVER goes out of Style.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's not about greed, as to destroy the whole PLANET is a bit much in order to build a new wing on a mansion. It's about The Devil who'd rather take the whole WORLD DOWN then let the Now AWAKENING Black YOU come into Your God Given INHERITANCE. Cause of all the Peoples and people on this Earth? You are the ONLY ONE who Fights back the HARDEST, winning VICTORY EVERYTIME, whenever You Wake the HECK UP! And the end of this Ignorant Slumber is going to be the LAST.

So? BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGGG, Black Man, Black Womb-man, Black GODS! That's Your Alarm Clock ringing. It's Time for Us to RISE.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Some People have this notion that Good doesn't exist without Evil. Implying that Good neeeeeds Evil so You'll be Greatful for the RELIEF of Allah's Bounty.

I say? WHAT A CROCK OF RIDICULOUSNESS. Do You need a Good Friend to Punch Your Lights OUT so You'll be extra glad when he's NICE? Are Children raised by Mildly Psychotic Parents experiencing a Better Chidlhood? Should a wife stay with an abusive husband because he's just like God?

Oh HECK NO!!! The Almighty is ALL MIGHTY. Satan is NOT Our Father's PARTNER, and if You go closer up the ONLY WAY? You'll be giving that Rotten Useless Meanie the FINAL BOOT for Allah HEALS ALL WOUNDS. We just had to figure out the right direction and never look back...

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I just wanna see Us all TOGETHER, without the Silly RESTRAINTS on Our Black Individuality. You know? With some UpTiGhT European telling Us, "Gee," in my best Anal Voice, "If you would only make your voice sound like this and support us forever, even though we hate you? You might one day be almost as great as us!"

OH HECK NAH!!! 'Cause We are NOT tHEM. We are a People (W)HOLY UNIQUE!! And I YEARN to see WHAT WE WILL CREATE with this one specializing his MIGHTY WAY, and that one HONING her MAJESTY in another!!! Dang. We are so AMAZING under O-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N, can You 



What We will Achieve with the FREEDOM to BE? Why? We'll make the Pyramids look like 


I mean that in the GREATEST REGARD as the Kemetic People were Our Grandmas and Grandpas, and they would want nothing less for their progeny.

Well. Here I go. Off to build a Better Pyramid - HOTEP!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


I've said it before, and I will say it again, that if EVERY YT person were 'NICE'? It still wouldn't make Black US white. So with them very Woefully understanding the reason for the existence of 47 Independent Caucasian Countries in Europe, now attached to a deep regret brought about by their Comedy of a United Europe; and with the United Snakkkes ALSO an Utter FAILURE as a Cohesive Nation, meaning that white joined up with too many whites can't get along either? Even if every European here and there was a regular 'Santa Claus'?

It's NOT RACIST to decide We Black People DON'T WANT to live with tHEM; And it ain't 'nice' if they tell Us that We M-U-S-T, when it's their TREACHERY THAT BROUGHT THIS MODERN SLAVESHIP WRECK OF OUR DIASPORIC ABANDONMENT, in The WILDERNESS OF NORTH AMERIKKA, ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE. How can it EVER be racist to ask such 'nice' YT people to ADMIT We will NEVER be tHEM (as they would AGREE), and then to APOLOGIZE in whatever way HEALS ALL THE WOUNDS FOREVER - THE WRONGS THEY HAVE DONE - and continue to commit WRONGLY, by ignoring the VITAL NEED TO SAY, "I'm Sorry" in a Concrete Reparation of LAND that COUNTS?

Why, saaaaaay! That ain't very '____' of them, is it? But Good Luck finding one who'll 'fess up.
This Beautiful photo isn't a picture of me and/or my King, but it reminds me of us; because it's a Soaring JOY that although here in our home I am a Loving, Dutiful Black Queen/Wife and Mother (even baking completely Healthy Organic Bread with ingredients I know about and CLEAN HANDS) - with all that? I was, like most of Us, raised in a culture which has successfully d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-d the Home by destroying the Sisters' PRIDE in the  PRECIOUS VALUE of Raising Our Nation.

So, I'm not perfect at this homemaker gig, having spent my first decades bamboozled into focusing on trivial pursuits. But I INSIST on doing the best I can, and I THANK THE LORD I have a King who understands and is P-A-T-I-E-N-T with still improving me (like when I accidentally bleached all his black T-shirts - OMG was he upset, but FORGIVING!!!). Thus, in turn?

I am the SAME with his remnants of The Willie Lynched Syndrome. However, for me, if I was a nagging, materialistic Tramp - or for HIM? If he were a verbally, physically ABUSIVE WOMANIZER?

We'd each be very patient with one another from a safely FAR Distance.
This is a satellite image of the Great Wall of China, taken from OUTER SPACE. Which brings me to a statement made by a WONDERFUL QUEEN -

"Imperialists come in all colors." She was commenting about the current Chinese Oppression in Afrika, to which I responded -

There are differences as it would take too much time to prove. The worst of the perpetrators of brutality against their neighbors comes from the Northern Barbarians which is most quickly proven by the physical evidence as seen from outer space. The Great Wall of China. It was placed to the North, not the South. And then, though now gone, but the shadow evidence is still there, Ancient Rome's Hadrian's Wall. Built in the North, not the South.

Obviously, if they had wanted? Both of these empires had more than enough resources to construct similar protective barriers, if it had been needed, to keep out those EQUALLY BARBARIC AFRIKANS. But? They didn't because We were not a threat or a danger. Civilization and Civilizing Wisdom came from South to North, decreasing the further from Afrika one went.

My point being that there are gradations of brutality based on both genetics, epigenetics and proximity and length of contamination that occurs when one is exposed to the cancerous infection of barbarity. Asians have it BAD as they are genetically inbetween Us and YTs, plus? GEOGRAPHICALLY they were and are also. When a Brown Person is exposed to the CONTAGIOUS MYTH that YT is BETTER and Black is WORSE?

Even among some of US? They will commit ANY DEPRAVITY to prove they are not BLACK. That's how they got Obama all screwed up in the head. That and a bunch of other horrors best not mentioned. Just don't vote for him. Vote for Ron Paul, as he is the best choice of this losing system.

So, no and yes, Queen. The Chinese have committed HORRORS against their own and other Asians, along with other Asians committing VICIOUS ATROCITIES against themselves and the Chinese, but only ONE pEOPLE have trampled the ENTIRE PLANET UNINVITED and NEVER GONE HOME, instead handing the profit of the crime on to their children, telling everybody else to 'Get Over It, it's OURS now!'

And that ain't  Black Us.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's amazing that I have graduated GRADUALLY into the Womb-man I am - eating MASSIVELY HEALTHY, EXERCISING REGULARLY, BECOMING A SCIENTIST OF RENEWAL in my Home. Because I used to look at Person's like myself with NERVOUSNESS. Ya know - if You DO (mayhaps You had the BLESSING to be born ALL-RIGHTEOUS, Ah! What a GIFT to Us You ARE!!! - but, You know, when You're Young and MINDLESS and the aspect of someone HEALED FOR REAL? Seems impossible, making You feel so lost?

But YOU'RE NOT! You are ON YOUR WAY, no matter when You start, if You go one step at a time. That's how I and ANYBODY ELSE who has achieved anything has managed. And now? I LOOK UPON THOSE WHO'VE WRITTEN BOOKS as AMAZING as that's my own DREAM. But I'm mature enuf to not look on them as if I, one day? Won't get there. Cause I know NOW that I will REACH the ACCOMPLISHMENT I choose by going one step at a time. It's GUARANTEED.

So back to MY BOOK and I wish You PEACE!!!

Meet the original Santa's 'Little' Helper, 'KRAMPUS', otherwise known as AFRIKAN YOU! A scary story told to the bad children in Europe (was there any other kind? Hmmmm...) to keep them in line with a culture that would hang an orphaned child for stealing a rag. Yeah. That's right. HANG 'EM.

Gotta keep that child in line with tales of a TeRrIfYiNg BLACK MAN! Oh, and while we're at it, let's add some horns, a tail and call him the name We Black People originally meant to describe the VICIOUSNESS OF THE TAMAHUE (the Kemetic word for the Northern Blond Haired Barbarians) - let Europeed-on us, eventually call Krampus - the DEVIL. 

Be careful what You, Divine Beloved, SANCTION and BLESS with Your Deliberate MISEDUCATION. Energy cannot be created or d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-d, even JEALOUS, NEUROTIC, DEEPLY TROUBLED BAD ENERGY from Our Historical FOE. Christmas is a GIGANTIC WELCOMING to the PAGAN GOD SOL INVICTUS, some demon that YT probably connected to using the blood sacrifice of their children (that's what Holloween was for - to call out their 'master'). After 


children were taken during that holiday to whet the appetite for the arrival of Satan Sol, (S-A-N-T-A!!!), the little tykes who wondered what had become of little Helga and Hans up the hill, would CERTAINLY TOW THE LINE, no matter what torturous HORRORS where committed by their own Living kIND!!!

Be careful where You direct Your l~i~g~h~t, Mighty Afrikan and Diasporic Afrikan People. Your LIGHT, as the First Born of Existence, is at least SEVERAL MILLION YEARS OLD. Therefore? Your energy is nearly OMNIPOTENT. But not quite yet, fully. And it WON'T BE if Our Dear TRUE CREATOR FATHER, doesn't receive Your message of having submitted to HIS TRUTH; all because You were too busy stuffing Your FAITH into an Xmas stocking, waiting for a USELESS BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER gOD to arrive and take Your LIGHT/SOUL/FUTURE away...