Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What is FAMILY?

All day long, everday, up and down Facebook, Black Folks be claiming Family of People they may have never even met, as if they grew up right in the same household. Are We MAD, as this Alienating Copy of Our Original Civilization would have Us Believe? Trusting in 'Strangers'? Western Sinvilization would have Us Trust in a Paradigm that encourages DISTRUST of not merely non-direct Blood related Persons, but DISTRUST even of Our OWN Flesh of Our Flesh Kinfolk. Should We succumb to a DOUBT of the SINCERITY of Our Connection and COMMITMENT to EACH OTHER, as if there is no greater Truth that bridges the cruel conclusions of a Cruel society? Even if a bunch of Our Extended Family is CRITICALLY WOUNDED and thus rendered Dysfunctional and potentially Harmful to Us ALL, should We consider calling each other 'Family' a cute affectation at best, a disingenuous falsehood at worst?

Well. My, my. Given the FACT that upon this FB Public WALL (as pertinent as the most ancient of Open Forums, which were once upon a time used to share and support Collective FORGING) - given the fact that upon here EACH DANGED DAY you will find MORE testament to Our steadfast DETERMINATION to speak with Love, Concern and Understanding (and YOU KNOW THAT'S TRUE as you can SEE IT on Our Black Pages ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Despite white people's media depiction of Us as Beastial, We EMBRACE the DIRE NEED FOR HEALING!), given THAT? Is this NOT the Modus Operandi of SUCCESSFUL FAMILY COOPERATION? Is this NOT INSPIRATIONAL??!!!

And given the FACT that I personally, with my Beloved King, am raising Our Sun to be respectful to Your own Beloved Suns, Daughters, and Venerated Elders? To LOVE HIS FELLOW BLACK BROTHERS as HE LOVES HIMSELF; to HONOR HIS BLACK SISTERS as the GODDESSES THAT THEY ARE; to LISTEN to the POWER PACKED LIBRARIES of Our WISE ELEVATED ELDERLY BRETHREN, AND to K-N-O-W not to believe the lies told about ANY OF US -

e-v-e-n if those Lies are Confirmed by the occasional, or FREQUENTLY occuring Brother, Sister or Senior?

Given the FACT that from YOU and YOURS, the FUTURE WIFE my Sun shall choose, and Hopefully with the same LOVE, CARE and PATIENT CONSIDERATION that his Mother and Father chose each other, and that We have raised him with? With the MIGHT that We, his Parents have instilled, so that He may CHERISH the WORK THAT YOU HAVE INVESTED IN YOUR MAGNIFICENT GEM OF ONE DAY WOMANHOOD?! And this to be repeated for Our Grandchildren and there into Perpetuity?

Given that My Immortality is Manifested WITH You?

'Family' is such a Tiny Word, indeed.....

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