Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What if there is a Movement towards WELLNESS that is growing, one by lonely one, across the length and breadth of this and all other Nation s? What if there are growing ranks of individuals who no longer want to dance at their own funeral, before it has happened, as if they will continue dancing once it commences?

Do you think white people WOULD TELL US ON THEIR MONEY CONTROLLED MEDIA???!! What movies do they show Black Men in but as Cross Dressers and Desperately needing whitey approval? Unless it is a comedy on their Tell-Lie-a-Vision? Do those Neilson Ratings ever offer a reason to be patient with a newborn program about the DEPTH of the Black SOUL? Not some CARICATURE, but has anyone with money ever financed and heavily promoted the TRUTH about US?

Pretty easy to answer all that. Simple 2+2. So why should We think that they would ever discuss Our Decision to FREE OURSELVES?

Don't wait for them to tell you that's it's Time to LIVE. Go ahead, God. Become the ETERNITY of MIGHTINESS that You are MEANT TO BE and make the choices that Suit Your ORIGIN. Yes. Take Our Father's word for it. Not theirs.

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