Friday, February 25, 2011



This Hollywierd depiction of Our BELOVED ANCESTOR minimizes the BREADTH AND PROFUNDITY of the Actual First Physician's influence on the World of Healing. He treated THOUSANDS of Our People, and shared his Attuned Learning through Observation and Listening with any who requested his Knowledge. Yet, after diagnosing Hundreds of conditions that he painstakingly described and cured himself? He advised in this famous quote, "LET YOUR FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE AND YOUR MEDICINE BE YOUR FOOD."

Health is very Basic, Our Venerated Elder Ancestor KNEW and practiced. And Western Medicine, a direct offshoot of Imhotep's Founding Principles, DOES advise Us to eat Healthy, but?

When You show up at their office, sick from bad choices?

That's when they turn The Father of Medicine into a CARTOON CARICATURE.

A Wise You should follow the advice of the REAL DOCTOR. He and Your FOOD will save YOUR LIFE.

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